Georgia: Former Model “Eaten Alive” By Mites in Nursing Home – IOTW Report

Georgia: Former Model “Eaten Alive” By Mites in Nursing Home

KFI; The family of former model Rebecca Zeni is suing the company that runs the Georgia nursing home she was staying at after an autopsy revealed she was basically eaten alive by mites. An investigation into her 2015 death revealed that she likely had “hundreds of millions of mites” living underneath her skin when she died. The investigation was conducted by local news station WXIA.  MORE

Warning: If you are squeamish, the disturbing photos start at the 1:15 mark.

18 Comments on Georgia: Former Model “Eaten Alive” By Mites in Nursing Home

  1. This is why the older I get, the more dangerous stuff I’m doing.
    As the long grey tunnel approaches (got the Alzheimer’s on both sides of the family) I have been adding fun stuff like Scuba and Soaring.
    I would rather splat, than end up like that
    As for those bastards who let this happen, they should be tarred and feathered.

  2. That is absolutely bullshit. Any staff, and I mean any staff, that had interaction with her stay and treatment there should be in prison. I’d like to beat the shit out of people that could let that happen. In perpetuity!

  3. Nobody even cared to check on her while she was alive, but now there is money to be made. Relatives will come from thousands of miles away.
    The place should be shut down and the people locked up

  4. Unbelievable in this day and age.
    Government oversight of nursing homes?
    Child oversight of elderly “loved ones?”
    High level of training of “intelligent” staff.
    Regular doctors’ visits for inmates? Damn, I’m sure Gitmo inmates have better care.

  5. As a rule of our now socialist state, you as an old person are given one of five choices on your 80th birthday: (1) be given a drink from Bill Cosby (2) Be taken for a ride by Ted Kennedy (3) be granted one telephone call to Hillary Clinton at 3:00 am concerning her help with a serious problem you are having (4) be given free room and board at a Georgia Nursing home or (5) be given a pill from B. Hussein Obama! Choose wisely!

  6. It’s stories like these that reinforce to me that I’m doing the right thing by staying with my 87 year old father who is slowly fading physically but still has a sharp mind. My sibling who lives about 4 hours away hasn’t been to see him in 2 years and rarely even calls. he and his wife were for putting my dad in a home years ago so they wouldn’t be inconvenienced by him.

    My grandmother was in a nursing home for several years before she died, but at least one of her children was there at least once a day to check on her, so she received pretty decent care overall. The people that didn’t have family to look in on them regularly were soon zombied out with drugs so the staff wouldn’t have to put forth as much effort to “care” for them. Just prop them up in a wheel chair all day and keep pumping the pills in them.

    I saw a few cases where the person was quite lucid and could carry on a good conversation when they first arrived, but a couple of weeks later they were too confused and couldn’t even stay awake long enough to hold a conversation anymore.

    What I saw was bad, but this story is infuriating all the way around including the “family” that didn’t bother to even check on her until she got into such bad shape.

  7. Bubba’s Brother APRIL 28, 2018 AT 5:53 PM

    Been there done that…

    Mother-in-law got bad and too difficult to care for at home, but the wife was at the nursing home seven days a week until she passed. Still a crappy way to go.

    Both my parents were keep in their home and allowed to die there with me taking one of my “retirements” to help out the last five years of the old man’s life after Ma passed. Great Grandmother 96, Grand Mother 99 and the old man 92 Mother 86. I’m screwed!


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