Georgia: Former Sen. Perdue Says He Won’t Run for Senate in 2022 – IOTW Report

Georgia: Former Sen. Perdue Says He Won’t Run for Senate in 2022

NTD: Former Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) announced on Tuesday he won’t enter the race for the U.S. Senate in the upcoming 2022 election in Georgia.

“After much prayer and reflection, Bonnie and I have decided that we will not enter the race for the United States Senate in Georgia in 2022,” Perdue said in a statement on Twitter.

“I am confident that whoever wins the Republican primary next year will defeat the Democrat candidate in the general election for this seat, and I will do everything I can to make that happen,” the 71-year-old politician said.

Perdue added that the decision for him not to run again and try to reclaim a seat is a personal one and not a political one. more

12 Comments on Georgia: Former Sen. Perdue Says He Won’t Run for Senate in 2022

  1. “After Prayer and Reflection” Lying sanctimonious rhino douche bag read the polls showing how much he was hated by the trump republicans and realized he didn’t have a snowball’s chance of being elected and wisely decided it was time to retire with all the ill gotten wealth he amassed when he was shitting all over us in the Senate. Now this traitorous piece of shit will amass further millions as a lobbyist in the Swamp.

    Prayer and reflection indeed. Fuck off and die, asshole.

    Free America!

  2. 71…Why can’t all these f—kers all be retired by that age? The job’s not hard enough, they all do it wrong and the grift is too sweet, that’s why. If they won’t accept term limits, maybe it’s time for an age limit.

  3. What’s the matter, Perdue? CHICKEN??

    I’m glad he chickened out. He’s a corrupt Never Trumper. He did not have America First. Hell, he did not have Georgia First!

    I don’t like Doug Collins. He is another Trey Howdy. Here in Louisiana we have a saying for those two – they got an alligator 🐊 mouth and a rabbit 🐰 ass.

  4. Must be the millions of dollars Trump has in his war trunk that made him change his mind. The guy realizes he doesn’t need any more humiliation, and Trump will certainly give it to him.


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