Georgia GOP and Texas firm challenge eligibility of more than 364K voters ahead of Senate runoffs – IOTW Report

Georgia GOP and Texas firm challenge eligibility of more than 364K voters ahead of Senate runoffs


A Texas voting rights organization is working with Georgia Republicans to challenge the voter eligibility of more than 364,000 people who may have moved, potentially disqualifying their ballots in the state’s Senate runoff elections.

“True the Vote announced today it is submitting 364,541 Elector Challenges on behalf of Georgia voters representing all 159 counties,” the organization wrote in a press release.

An elector challenge is a “unique feature in Georgia Law” that allows any voter to “challenge the eligibility of any other voters in his or her county if probable cause exists to show that the challenged voter does not meet the qualifications legally required to cast a ballot.”

True the Vote said its analysis of the U.S. Postal Service’s National Change of Address system and Georgia voter registers identified “124,114 registered voters who no longer reside in the county of record” and another 240,427 who no longer reside in the state at all. read more

18 Comments on Georgia GOP and Texas firm challenge eligibility of more than 364K voters ahead of Senate runoffs

  1. With Beijing Biden in power, we’ll be seeing more and more Chinese language invading. Soon everything will have Chinese added to their labels, in addition to Spanish and English.

  2. If we have learned anything since Nov 3rd challenges and law have no meaning when the are blatantly ignored and i enforced. I doubt there is anything that will prevent blatant fraud going forward.

  3. Well, I just had a comment screened out and not allowed to post. No cuss words, no links, just a couple of quotes and the words s l e a z y, g r e a s y and p o s.

    Has there ever been an explanation given?

  4. @ stirrin the pot DECEMBER 24, 2020 AT 7:15 AM

    Of course a coward using anony makes suggestions instead of taking action.

    Wouldn’t make any team of mine, that’s for sure.

  5. This course of action by, True the Vote, at least has a legal avenue for the common people.

    In other words, looks like it has a mechanical aspect to work instead of an argument to make.

    In a legit world, this would true the vote. We’ll see.

  6. “I assume you did. What is “yanqing cool”?”

    I didn’t, just highlighted the name by moving my mouse over it and seeing what the link behind it was. Most all browsers do this, click it and find out if you want but I pass on any link that is not obvious as to where, to whom, and why it is going to take me there.

  7. 不知道说什么好,还是祝疫情早点结束吧! Translates to : I don’t know what to say, but I hope the epidemic will end soon.

    There are plenty of Chinese that Hate communism too…


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