Georgia GOP Run By An Illegal Corporation For Years – IOTW Report

Georgia GOP Run By An Illegal Corporation For Years

The Georgia Record:

[Columbus, GA] The Georgia Record has reported extensively on the issue of the Georgia Republican Party, Incorporated [The Corporation] over the last few months.

The issue has risen to the surface due to alleged nefarious activity under the auspices of the corporation which hurt grassroots activists attempting to obtain needed information to run effective campaigns. In addition, alleged nefarious activity during appeals to the state GOP blocked grassroots from gaining power within the party.

Today, at the Georgia GOP Convention in Columbus, multiple sources are telling The Georgia Record that GOP leadership has admitted the corporate structure that has existed for approximately ten years is illegal and against Georgia election law.

According to party sources, former Chairman John Padgett allegedly established the Georgia Republican Party, Inc. in 2014 and moved all assets, and insurance policies into the newly-formed entity. According to records The Georgia Record researched, confirmed by sources within the Georgia GOP, Padgett is the only director of the corporation, and technically is in sole control of party assets. MORE

7 Comments on Georgia GOP Run By An Illegal Corporation For Years

  1. Is Padgett a pawn of the SorosBush junta? I searched Brave and Google and found nothing on him!

    Has been obvious for 5 years the SorosBush junta controls GA; If Rafy were not the proof how about GWB’s Canucke – the men/machines that fabricate votes. aka DOMINION.

  2. And the J6 victims of our corrupt government are locked up to be silenced. How nice of our corrupt judges to remain silent in the darkness. Be sure to thank a democrat.


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