Georgia has 250 open election integrity cases, State Bureau of Investigation to assist – IOTW Report

Georgia has 250 open election integrity cases, State Bureau of Investigation to assist

Just The News:

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has more than 250 open investigations into voting irregularities in the 2020 election and has gotten approval to use the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to speed the resolution of those probes.

Gov. Brian Kemp approved the request for help on Friday, providing extra resources as Raffensperger’s office also deals with two runoff elections slated for Jan. 5 that will determine which party controls the U.S. Senate.

“In order for Georgians to receive a timely conclusion to these important investigations, I thank the secretary for formally requesting the Georgia Bureau of Investigation assistance in order to provide additional manpower and resources,” Kemp said. read more

6 Comments on Georgia has 250 open election integrity cases, State Bureau of Investigation to assist

  1. Predicted outcome: “After a thorough and exhaustive investigation, we found no evidence of widespread fraud that would change the outcome of the election. Question the competency and integrity of the GBI if you dare. Case closed.”

  2. As soon as I saw Raffensbergere and Kemp associated with SBI involvement I knew its a cover up. If the head of the SBI had any shred of patriotism and loyalty he would go with the Troopers and arrest Kemp, Raffensbergerler, and Gay Sterling by tomorrow. He would save Georgia and the country and go down a historical figure. Instead, he will be happy with the promise to issue him a new 2021 Chevy Tahoe with extra strobe lughts and promise to hire his daughter as a typist in the clerks office. Thats how pathetic it is.

  3. I had been wondering why, since Gov. Kemp was saying the lockdowns were over and masks were not mandatory, that the restrictions on our businesses (which come down from the SoS) were so overtly onerous. Now that I know more about Raffensperger, I understand why that was the case. So Kemp got to pretend he was all conservative and stuff while the SoS and his bureaucratic minions did the dirty work. I mean, I understand what happened, but not really the why behind it all.


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