GEORGIA: Human Trafficking inside Hartsfield Airport [undercover video – Senator Colton Moore] – IOTW Report

GEORGIA: Human Trafficking inside Hartsfield Airport [undercover video – Senator Colton Moore]

Undercover video of U.S. military guarding room inside Atlanta’s Hartsfield Airport holding illegal migrants in the process of being trafficked into the country. The person standing in the Senators path admits the NGO orchestrating the activity is called “Team Libertad.”

Senator Colton Moore describes firsthand observation of trafficking.

Senator Colton Moore testifies before the Georgia senate regarding trafficking he observed being conducted at Atlanta’s Hartsfield Airport and under the watch and escort of U.S. Military personnel.
Reported to be US ARMY 194TH ARMORED BRIGADE from Ft. Moore, Georgia.

15 Comments on GEORGIA: Human Trafficking inside Hartsfield Airport [undercover video – Senator Colton Moore]

  1. None dare call it treason. I am so sick of this out-of-control friggin bidumb administration that truly hates the American people but is truly aiding and abetting the destruction of America. I am beyond pissed off at bidumb and the deep state. I want my old America back, one nation indivisible with freedom and real liberty and justice for all and not just the snotty, prick arrogant elite dickheads.

  2. Those mourning the loss of the Circus or Carnival can take heart.

    Biden has restored both, complete with freak shows, he just renamed them: the Biden Administration, the U. S. Military, and our own elected Clowngress.

  3. The Georgia peach is rotten.
    To the core.

    I don’t know what happened to Georgia, but it seems to have turned into a shit-hole over the past few decades.
    Georgia was a place of plain-speaking, mostly honest people, who worked hard for their livings (my Dad and his people originated in Georgia) – now it’s populated by parasitic maggots – or, at least, managed by parasitic maggots.

    If Brian Kemp, Brad Raffensperger, Fani Willis, and Tank Abrams are exemplars of Georgia’s intellectual, moral, and political highlights, Georgia may want to consider a serious housecleaning.

    I’m pretty sure that James Oglethorpe is sadly shaking his head.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. NGOs and non-profits need to be reined in. Millions of dollars are laundered through these organizations, which are predominantly left-leaning. As we are seeing, most of this money is going to undermine our country.

  5. In 2020, they profuced millions of fake ballots to steal the election. In 2024, they’re producing millions of fake citizens to steal the election.

    But tell me again, ADL, Wiki et al, how “Replacement Theory” is just a conspiracy theory.

  6. @Morooned, what does Taylor Swift have to do with this story? Zero, like whats in your empty head. Newsflash the only ones who like DJT are your follows cult members, everyone else not so much. Colton is FULL OF SHIT, it’s more like, over there look it’s a squirrel, what a douchebag.

  7. Anonymous, don’t you wish your government looked at you the way it looks at illegals? No, your a cuck who gets off on watching your government make ardent love to total strangers. The least you could do is to stop coming here and simping for them. Have some self-respect, boy.

  8. My self respect is just fine, you obviously have none. Whats the matter, you want the rest of America to accept a s@$tstain & degenerate trash talk without repercussions.

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