Georgia: Police Report Released On Thomas/Sparkes Grocery Store Incident- NO Criminal Charges – IOTW Report

Georgia: Police Report Released On Thomas/Sparkes Grocery Store Incident- NO Criminal Charges

Criminal charges will not be filed against a Georgia man accused of verbally abusing a state lawmaker for bringing too many items into the express checkout lane at a Mableton Publix supermarket. – Daily Caller.

13 Comments on Georgia: Police Report Released On Thomas/Sparkes Grocery Store Incident- NO Criminal Charges

  1. Sad that such an investigation was conducted in the first place, this is just another highly obvious example of Leftists trying their best to stir up racial conflict for their own benefit by pretending to be victims of it.

    Still, I suppose the police are required to do at least some degree of investigation when the charges are made, even if they know they’re almost certainly fake, just to satisfy the public.

  2. I’m seriously mystified as to why the Gentlewoman from Georgia hasn’t brought suit against Republix grocery for discriminating against “people of color” in its application of its “15 Items or Less” checkout policies.

    (Don’t think too hard on this. In her case, it should be obvious why she has standing for such a suit.)

  3. Telling someone to “go back” is not a crime either, the investigation was rooted in garbage from the git go. All based on emotion and I didn’t think cops investigate emotions.

    However, having that wildebeest come pouncing toward you in a threatening manner would allow for self defense. He should have knocked her lights out if he wasn’t such a pussy himself and she should be brought up on child endangerment charges.


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