Georgia Senate Committees Hold Hearings on Election Issues – IOTW Report

Georgia Senate Committees Hold Hearings on Election Issues

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Outside, there’s a Stop the Steal Rally.

6 Comments on Georgia Senate Committees Hold Hearings on Election Issues

  1. I have a question: Did Lin Wood and Sidney Powell actually advocate a GOP boycott of the GA runoff election? I cannot believe they would do such a thing. We have a pot of carpetbagging dems and fake Trump supporters calling for a boycott here, tryingbto divide the party. What gives?

    And Breitbart is slagging Lin Wood right now. Eff them.

  2. MJA, please run a story about the GA senate boycott. I hope Trump can stop it. The problem is that people are pissed at the repubs (who isn’t the spineless pieces of shit) but if they lose we will have an unbridled Biden/Harris agenda without even the pretense of the senate fighting back. Always remember that the repubs LOVE to lose because they get paid behind the scenes and thus maintain the illusion that they tried and they spin that the Dems are the bad guys. Elect those fuckers so that they are up front an fully accountable for what happens. Drag them kicking and screaming in the sunlight. This is what they hated about Trump! They were always in the spotlight.

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