Georgia Supreme Court reinstates 6-week abortion ban – IOTW Report

Georgia Supreme Court reinstates 6-week abortion ban

‘Courts do not amend the constitution, and the constitution does not change simply because a court’s view of it changes.’

ATLANTA (LifeSiteNews) — The Georgia Supreme Court has reversed a lower court’s decision to block the state’s six-week abortion ban.  

“The State of Georgia’s Emergency Petition for Supersedeas seeking a stay of the order of the Superior Court of Fulton County in [STATE OF GEORGIA v. SISTERSONG WOMEN OF COLOR REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE COLLECTIVE et al.] is hereby granted,” the court wrote in its brief unanimous decision ruling on Wednesday.  

Last week, the Superior Court of Fulton County had overturned the “Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act,” colloquially named the “heartbeat act,” which makes abortion illegal after an unborn child’s heartbeat is detectable, typically at six-weeks gestation. The act does not ban abortions of unborn children prior to their developing detectable heartbeats.

At the time, Fulton County Court judge Robert McBurney declared that the LIFE Act was void under Georgia law, as it was passed in 2019 when the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision was still in effect.  MORE

1 Comment on Georgia Supreme Court reinstates 6-week abortion ban

  1. Could a Tadpole become a frog after the first cell splits?….Yep….The argument would be that the mother frog’s fertile eggs drop to the bottom of the pond and her responsibility is over, same as the Daddy frog….

    The same could be argued about mouth breeding fish like Cichlids. They gather up the fertilized eggs in their mouths and incubate them there yuntil they hatch….This time the momma fish and sometimes the daddy fish take their reproduction responsibilities seriously…

    Isn’t the human race better then waiting for a heart beat to declare that this is life and will become a human being?

    Life begins when the first cell splits…


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