Georgia: Taxpayers Will Fund ‘Gender-Affirming’ Healthcare For State Employees – IOTW Report

Georgia: Taxpayers Will Fund ‘Gender-Affirming’ Healthcare For State Employees

100%FedUp: “The state of Georgia will start paying for gender-affirming health care for state employees, public school teachers and former employees covered by a state health insurance plan,” Scripps News reports.

The news stems from a “string of lawsuits against Georgia agencies aiming to force them to pay for gender-confirmation surgery and other procedures,” the Associated Press wrote.

The plaintiffs announced they had reached a settlement with the State Health Benefit Plan and moved to dismiss the case in Atlanta federal court. read more

17 Comments on Georgia: Taxpayers Will Fund ‘Gender-Affirming’ Healthcare For State Employees

  1. There are two Georgia’s. Everything outside of Atlanta and Atlanta. The unfortunate thing is Atlanta is where the political corruption originates and the rest of the state suffers.

  2. @Brad: I live here too and would like to leave. Look around, just when you think you could live there, politics rears its ugly head and where I live isn’t looking so bad. Another point I make to relatives who have left CA — politics change every 4 years, and for the worse. I’ll ride the horse until it drops dead I guess.

  3. As a metro Atlanta resident I can tell you that the lines are not as clear as “Atlanta and outside Atlanta.” The majority of the city is black, and likely not on-board with most of this garbage (though the violence, welfare, single-parent households, etc. is the majority for sure). Then you have all the ultra-liberal cities that border Atlanta like Decatur, Sandy Springs, Marietta, etc. More than a fair share of insanity in those communities that would happily destroy the next generation and encourage the government to STEAL from their neighbors to promote their vision of utopia. If they all lived in the city of Atlanta, it would be great. Sadly they infest the otherwise normal neighborhoods the rest of us live in.

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