Georgia’s Senate Dem Candidates Are Gun-Grabbers – IOTW Report

Georgia’s Senate Dem Candidates Are Gun-Grabbers


GOA: We’re not exaggerating when we say that Georgia’s Senate races are the key to the future of your Second Amendment rights.

Anti-gun Democratic Candidate Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock is challenging pro-gun Senator Kelly Loeffler.

Anti-gun Democratic Candidate Jon Ossoff will vie for the seat of pro-gun Senator David Perdue.

If both Democrats win, these anti-gunners will control the Senate and the House. Using the Presidency, Democrats would be able to wreak havoc on the Second Amendment; and your right to defend yourself will cease to exist as you know it.

As stated by Senator Chuck Schumer: “Now we take Georgia, then we change America.” Our gun rights are definitely under fire.

Just look at where the Senate candidates stand on these vital issues.

Special Senate Runoff Election

Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock (F-)

Democratic Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock refused to answer Gun Owners of America’s federal candidate survey.

But, Raphael Warnock is proud of his record lobbying against the Second Amendment and for gun control. In one speech, he complained that “Georgia has some of the most lax gun laws in the country.” more here

17 Comments on Georgia’s Senate Dem Candidates Are Gun-Grabbers

  1. Bullshit. Americans with a spine determine what their 2nd Amendment is.

    ….and we ARE NOT giving up our guns, or our right to self defense.

    So go ahead and make any law you want……eventually, the bad guys will get what’s been coming.

  2. SORRY! This is off topic but whatever happened to those German servers that were supposedly captured? Was that all just BS? Sundance at CTH stated it was all just fake news. Must have been or those would have been brought into play before this final hour… The Psy-Ops against us has been unbelievable.

  3. When did any law at any time in any
    country stop a criminal/terrorist from
    obtaining firearms & ammo ???
    Will you turn in yours ???

  4. Anonymous- I remember a month ago, Sidney Powell was saying she heard the same thing but didn’t see anything to confirm it… last I heard. And no one else got hot and bothered about it. Who knows.

  5. They have no authority to rescind the 2A. They can’t take back something which they never granted. The 2A is an acknowledgment of a God given (not Congress given) right! This is EXACTLY WHY the 2A was written and its time has come to use that right.

  6. YODA
    “Absolute Power – I Must have'”
    Arm citizens can be such a pesky things to contain. They don’t submit very well.
    One of the reasons they also have to erase history. Can’t have any proof the the little people whupped their asses before.

  7. “And it ain’t gonna change.”

    Says the pussy who’s too afraid to to post under anything but anonymous.

    Anyone (in my opinion) who uses “anonymous” as a name is nothing more that a troll trying to play both sides of the coin. Your comments should be disregarded even if they espouse a pro-freedom point of view…..because its probably fake.

  8. Georgia’s Democrat Senate candidates are known to rape babies, an anonymous source says.

    Proof is in the plans to be presented.

    “I wouldn’t doubt it if I didn’t know them personally,” said a potential federal investigator.

    Democrat senate campaign officials have not denied the allegations.

    Republican senate campaign officials asked for more money.

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