Geraldo Rivera jokes that AR-15 owners have small genitalia – IOTW Report

Geraldo Rivera jokes that AR-15 owners have small genitalia

WaEx: Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera accused AR-15 rifle owners of using the gun to compensate for small penis size.

Responding to comedian Sarah Silverman’s tweet that mocked hunters for possessing similar insecurities, Rivera said, “AR15 are the symptom of small penises.” read more

SNIP: Says the guy who posts half-naked tweets of himself whenever he gets ‘lonely’ and feels ‘insecure’.

36 Comments on Geraldo Rivera jokes that AR-15 owners have small genitalia

  1. Today a student in college in illinois was charged with a fellony hate crime because he put a noose in an elevator.
    It is apparently against the law to do anything that upsets blacks and queers. So much against the law that they will put you in jail.
    but you want to put a crucifix in a jar of urine and put it on display and the gov’t says it’s art , and not only that, but you have to pay for it if a gov’t employee or gov’t grant went to the person.

    the thing is, i don’t even put the blame for these things on democrats. i put it on republican legislators because they are the ones who are supposed to be representing us and stopping these shenanigans.

    I litterally hate republican legislators with the white hot heat of a thousand suns.

  2. Rivers is just looking for attention again. He’s an attention whore. I don’t watch him or Juanita on FOX.
    Anyone who brags about having his way with women in a book ain’t much of a man in my books. He’s a phucken creep.

  3. Typical Leftist projection.

    They are usually guilty of what they accuse Republicans.

    That is why Leftists fear firearms\. They re afraid of their lack of self-control, their obsession with sex, their lack of patriotism, their devotion to socialism/communism and other murderous regimes.

  4. If one is attentive, one will find through conversation, public statements, policy formulations and the like, that for leftists, pretty much everything comes down to genitals, genitalia, and excretory organs.

    Nor sure why this is, but, be attentive with this in mind, and see if I’m on the right track.


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