Geraldo Rivera: ‘Outrageous Negligence’ by ABC’s Stephanopoulos to Not Ask Biden about Son Hunter – IOTW Report

Geraldo Rivera: ‘Outrageous Negligence’ by ABC’s Stephanopoulos to Not Ask Biden about Son Hunter

CNS: ABC’s George Stephanopoulos was guilty of “outrageous negligence” as moderator of Thursday’s town hall event for Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, commentator and Investigative Journalist Geraldo Rivera said Friday.

Stephanopoulos asked the Democrat candidate “nothing on Hunter Biden,” the former vice president’s son who is the subject major allegations in a news story reported by The New York Post, Rivera notes in a Twitter post.

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump was “raked over the coals” by NBC Moderator Savannah Guthrie in a town hall conducted at the same time as ABC’s, Rivera tweeted:

“Dueling Town Halls last night but couldn’t be more different. ABC tossed soft ball after soft ball. It was like ‘what’s your favorite color?’ Nothing on Hunter Biden. Outrageous negligence. @realDonaldTrump on other hand raked over NBC coals by @SavannahGuthrie

10 Comments on Geraldo Rivera: ‘Outrageous Negligence’ by ABC’s Stephanopoulos to Not Ask Biden about Son Hunter

  1. At least Geraldo is objective enough to call out the Media as embarrassing for being completely in-the-tank for Biden. His wife OTOH is an out-of-her-tree, off-the-chain nut job who hates Trump and thinks the Biden scandal is all Russian disinformation!

  2. Rush just said something like he thinks they will try to make it a requirement to be agreed on beforehand that it won’t be asked about at the last debate–EVEN THOUGH the topic will be foreign policy! and that PT will try to work it in

  3. Negligence is not why Stuffycocculus is paid millions.
    His job, as part of a team, is to keep the eyes of the sheep away from the truth.
    He did it for Bubba, for the kenyan muslim, for the Witch of 2016, and now the lifelong felon, Biden. He’s a hall of famer.

  4. The questions needed to be asked by someone are: 1) who was the mastermind that created the scams, Hunter or Joe? My bet it was Joe. 2) Did Joe force Hunter to take the job at Burisma? iow Did Joe suggest to Burisma it would be a good idea if they hired Hunter. Then forced Hunter to take the job, so they could both collect payola, but no direct payments to Joe, who used his own drug addicted son to be the forced middleman. Hunter forgot the laptop at the repair show for a reason. A way to escape Joe’s schemes. Except he did not plan on the FBI covering it up by sitting on it for two years.

    (I heard horse-faced John’s step son was initially in on some scam deals with the Biden crime family, but then finally realized he could be the desired date in the big house for several years, which wasn’t appealing, and he ran away from any farther involvement with Joe’s schemes.

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