German Court System On The Verge Of ‘Collapse’ Due To Mass Immigration – IOTW Report

German Court System On The Verge Of ‘Collapse’ Due To Mass Immigration


The German court system has been brought “to the limits” due to the massive number of asylum cases waiting to be challenged, the Association of German Administrative Law Judges warned Thursday.

Robert Seegmüller, the organization’s chair, said the courts have piled up a huge backlog, with 250,000 asylum decisions waiting to be challenged in court.

“The situation is dramatic for administrative courts,” Seegmüller told German news outlet Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND), according to The Local. “We are now completely stretched to our limits.”


13 Comments on German Court System On The Verge Of ‘Collapse’ Due To Mass Immigration

  1. Have you ever heard Merkel explain WHY it’s so important for Germany to accept millions of refugees?
    – It her answer strictly “Because that’s the right thing to do”?
    Is there any valid benefit for Germany, for the German people?

  2. Cloward-Piven. Right on schedule.

    Like Obama, Merkel was perfectly disguised and marketed to the electorate, who had no clue they were voting for systemic destruction.

  3. Step 1: Forced Diversity.
    Step 2: Overwhelm the system.
    Step 3: Eliminate the righteous opposition by labeling them as domestic terrorists.
    Step 4: Dilute the culture; countrywide first, then globally.
    Step 5: Impose new One World Religion / One World Governance.
    Step 6: Declare false peace.

    Anybody smarter than me starting to see traces of Biblical Revelation coming to a place near you yet?

  4. If the Germans want to fix this it’s easy. Create something similar to a drumhead courtsmartials. Each refugee camp has a number of them staffed with a Justice of the Peace, interpreters, a legal assistant for the refugee and guards in case of riots. The refugee has 2 minutes of uninterupted time to present their case to stay and whatever proof they have to support it and a further 2 minutes to show why he/she/family would be good for Germany. The JP would then make their decision to allow them to stay or be deported back that day. Each camp would have a head Judge (who was a real judge) for particularly difficult cases. With 10 JP courts running you could probably cycle a single person through every 6 minutes and a family every 10. You could solve the problem in a matter of a couple of weeks but it won’t happen. Merkel won’t let it complaining it’s too much like the “old Germany” (hint, hint), which of course it’s not. I strongly suspect that she will not meet a happy end and neither will Germany.

  5. One judge with a “No! Go home!” stamp and a few spare ink pads could do a great job of clearing the court schedule. Expedite departures with a stream of buses shuttling to the boat docs. Sort boat loads by country or, no documentation, by best guess. Home country won’t take returning citizens, offload in rafts right at the international water line. “You are not our problem. Go home.”

    Bad optics in the press. Fine, serves a warning not to come to our country.

    But, of course, Merkel and EU leaders don’t believe in country borders.


    A purposely overwhelmed government forces the results that they want: to furiously approve and rubber stamp as many papers that cross their desk to look “efficient” and get everyone off their back.

    It’s designed that way.

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