German Farm Protests Continue – New Shift to Add Blockades of Warehouse and Distribution Centers – IOTW Report

German Farm Protests Continue – New Shift to Add Blockades of Warehouse and Distribution Centers

The German farmer protests are strategic. The reality that food doesn’t originate in a grocery store is an odd concept for many who do not pay attention. The latest strategic move by the farmers aims to highlight the issue.

With an alliance of truckers supporting the farmers, the German farmers have now begun short-term blockades of warehouse and distribution centers. The farmers are following and disrupting the general supply chain, leading to delivery issues upon the downstream retail stores that carry their products. MORE

19 Comments on German Farm Protests Continue – New Shift to Add Blockades of Warehouse and Distribution Centers

  1. I hope the German people realize that this disruption will pale in comparison to what food shortages will be like when the New World Order/WEF takes charge. Time for a regime change in many countries.

  2. If radical environmentalists really believed in their cause they’d only eat food produced, transported, and stored by solar panels and windmills. They’ll either knock that shit off or starve.

  3. Aye, at last a standing up of the people who produce things against the parasitic governing ‘class’. I have long dreamed of a time when the parasites would be made to sense their weakness and to back off of we who make all which the vile creatures consume. This may not be enough to get the message through to them in Europe and we here in America have not yet begun to demonstrate our power to our own parasite class. It is my fondest wish that we do so and do it in a manner that is a definite and permanent repudiation of the preeminence of the parasite class on we the producers of goods and services consumed by those parasites.

  4. Denial of reality may be okay for the “ruling class” who think their luxury lifestyles will be unaffected by their agendas and only the peasants will need to suffer. Perhaps they’re right. However, any person not realizing that food is necessary for survival, it’s grown or raised and eliminating or reducing the supply will result in great harm is either a follower and doesn’t think for himself, ignorant or totally insane.

  5. They should entirely CEASE food production and blame it on the greentards 100%.

    There’s nothing big enough that can force those farmers to do anything against their will.

    Hard times create strong men.

  6. “As much as I’d like a new U.S. ally (namely, Russia), I think you’re giving them TOO MUCH credit.”

    No No No, they were not intentionally targeting him. He and his staff were just in the wrong place at the right time. And by the way I totally agree with you on Russia becoming our ally. Their peeps and us are simpatico. Plus those Russian woman are smoking hot.

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