German Hillary: We Have to Take Away your Freedom of Speech – IOTW Report

German Hillary: We Have to Take Away your Freedom of Speech

People’s Cube: Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered an emotional speech to the German Budestag this week on the need for limiting freedom of speech. “We Have to Take Away your Freedom of Speech or We Won’t Be Free.” MORE

20 Comments on German Hillary: We Have to Take Away your Freedom of Speech

  1. If I were interested in ceasing to recognize anybody’s freedom of speech (and I most certainly am NOT), it would be yours, Anggggela, and your fellow arrogant, condescending, collectivist, power-hungry, ideological authoritarians.

  2. …interesting how national character never seems to change…

    “23. … Publications which are counter to the general good are to be forbidden. We demand legal prosecution of artistic and literary forms which exert a destructive influence on our national life, and the closure of organizations opposing the above made demands.”

    -Excerpt from the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei “25 points” manifesto, 1914, largely written by Hitler.

    …he didn’t like “foreigners” much unlike Angela wanting one in her pants, but otherwise it tracks very well over 100 years later…

    …plus ça change plus c’est la même chose…

  3. “Freedom of Speech” isn’t very widespread in Europe – and non-existent in Asia and Africa (and South America).

    I’m not sure it is in any foundational document other than ours.
    And the SCOTUS has already “ruled” that it’s not “absolute” – thus, freedom of speech doesn’t mean that you can say anything you like – the SCOTUS has declared itself the supreme arbiter of what you may express, spoken and written – and, as in the “flag burning” issue, how you may act (even though saying something and acting on something are radically different approaches to dialogue).

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater, but you can wear a t shirt that says it.

    You can also say “We have to pass Obamacare to see what’s in it” without being tarred, feathered and hanged. Speaking of Pelosi, it turns out she and her son are as involved in the Ukraine scam as deep as biden, Kerry, Romney and even McCain.

    Now we know for sure the reason for their seemingly insane plots against gangbuster Trump.

    God only knows obama’s role in all this. Hopefully, Barr will reveal it.

    Oh yeah: there’s the usual traitor/suspect Clinton.

  5. “Huete Duetschland, Morgan Die Welt!” Germans really do not change. As is true IMHO of most of us.

    the quote was Adi’s most famous in Germany 80 years ago. So Ive been told. I am old, but not that old.

  6. “You are known by the company you keep”. The Nazi’s and Islam loved each other, ‘Mein Kampf’ is still a best seller in Islam-holes.

    Modern day fascists also love them moslems, they have much in common.


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