German Homeschooling Family Wins Back Custody of Children After Years of Struggle – IOTW Report

German Homeschooling Family Wins Back Custody of Children After Years of Struggle

CBN: A German court has granted homeschoolers Dirk and Petra Wunderlich custody of their minor children after they were removed in 2013.

The victory in family court in Darmstadt comes a few months after the European Court of Human Rights ruled against an appeal by the family.  An appeal before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights is still pending.

In Germany, a new judge ruled in the family’s favor after the judge who was involved in the removal of the children in 2013 was replaced on grounds of bias. 

“The right of parents to direct the education of their children is a fundamental right, protected in international law,” said Robert Clarke, Director of European Advocacy for ADF International and lead counsel for the Wunderlich family at the European Court of Human Rights.

“We are pleased to see that the German court respected this right and acknowledged that the Wunderlich children are doing well. As we wait for referral to the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights, we hope that, there too, the rights of the Wunderlich family will be safeguarded,” Clarke said.

The German court ruled that the two youngest of the Wunderlich’s four children, who are still minors, will remain with their parents after the children expressed their wish to be homeschooled.  The European Court of Human Rights also found that “the knowledge level of the children was not alarming and that the children were not being kept from school against their will.” read more

9 Comments on German Homeschooling Family Wins Back Custody of Children After Years of Struggle

  1. Not over by a longshot…”An appeal before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights is still pending.” Parents have no human rights to their children in 2019.

  2. Ursula will need ‘her’ natives to build the EU Army not that she has been chosen. Australia is trying a “No Jab, No Pay” scheme. Parents want tax relief from the state? Get them vaccinated or no help.

  3. That appears to be “western?” parents messing around with the negative population growth curve….. God Bless ’em.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. Kamala Harris won’t like this. She gave a speech a while back about her office going after parents when their kids aren’t in school. She wants to force kids into govt indoctrination centers.

  5. With “Shakey” Merkel dying on the vine, perhaps Germany will gain it’s sanity back – and look around and see the terminal islamic disease they so happily imported. Then what will you do, Deutschland?

  6. 1. Notice it was “International law” they referred to.

    2. The state – Germany – has always owned the children. No such thing as parental rights there.

    Watching with interest on the conflict between this fact and the new Germany that wants to disappear itself into globalism.

    Betting Germany loses because they (those in charge) hate themselves being German and will take another step towards oblivion.

    My parents had to get permission from Germany to bring my sister to the states in 1950 since she was born a German citizen. It was not a cake walk.

    So, this is off by a lot for Germany:
    “Parents have no human rights to their children in 2019.”

    Likely the opposite will become true – 2019 may be the year parents get human rights to their children in Deutschland because of this.


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