German kids banned from drinking water in class during Ramadan – IOTW Report

German kids banned from drinking water in class during Ramadan

At least two teachers forbade 10-year-old children from drinking water in class at a school in Frankfurt because three of the 27 pupils were fasting.

18 Comments on German kids banned from drinking water in class during Ramadan

  1. @aircubed

    A muslim conundrum: a homosexual teachers that celebrate Ramadan.

    Instead of throwing them off a 12 story building, throw them off a 6 story building.

    Other solutions: cut off one testicle, but not both. Or, stone them half-to-death.

  2. so the planet has to go along with whatever sand-dindu bullshit these assholes come up with? fku. go back to your camel/dog/goat/pig sex lives, you and your prophet.

  3. The Muslim idea of a fast is nothing to eat or drink during daytime hours, but they can pig out at night.

    “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.“ Matthew 6:16


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