German Man Cheats Recycling Machine Out of Over $47,000 Using a Single Bottle – IOTW Report

German Man Cheats Recycling Machine Out of Over $47,000 Using a Single Bottle

OC: A drinks vendor in Cologne, Germany was recently tried and convicted to ten months in prison for modifying a bottle recycling machine and cheating the swindling several tens of thousands of euros from the national recycling system.


Bottle-recycling machines in Germany are fairly straightforward – a person inserts one or more bottles into the machine and they receive a receipt for a few euro-cents, or euros, depending on the number of bottles recycled. But in a case presented in front of a Cologne court last week, one recycling machine ended up paying a whopping €44,362.75 ($47,000) without recycling a single bottle. It turns out that an unnamed local drinks vendor managed to modify one such recycling machine located in the basement of his shop so that he could earn a lot more than the usual spare change. Evidence presented during the trial showed that the 37-year-old defendant had installed a magnet sensor and a kind of wooden tunnel into the machine, which allowed him to insert the bottle into the mechanism, receive his receipt and then retrieve the bottle without it actually getting shredded inside.

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15 Comments on German Man Cheats Recycling Machine Out of Over $47,000 Using a Single Bottle

  1. I once refunded some accumulated empties, around $30 worth; what a lousy task. If I ever needed that money, I’d begrudgingly do it again.

    To repeat the refunding process involved 177,451 times, is in and of itself, doing time.

    Never mentioned was how long it took him to pocket $47,000. How didn’t any one not notice the cashbox getting emptied without any bottles?

  2. I used to cheat machines like crazy as a kid.
    I was a clever little bastard.
    The machine designers got wiser, along with the advent of video, put an end to my crime spree.

    I used to collect bottles and aluminum.
    It was fun, we walked everywhere looking for strays.

  3. He’s like the guy who robbed the Armored Car (some years back) and got $40,000 worth of nickels. All the dude’s dreams came to a crashing end. He was so upset he didn’t even take the nickels – just walked off sulking and cussing.

    Poor sap. If your big score is penny-ante, stay outta the game – the Clintons, Schumers, Reids, Ryans, McConnells, Soroses, Buffets, and the rest of the Big-Time Thieves and Murderers are gonna eat you alive. Jail’s for this dummy, not for the likes of Angela Merkel – the REAL CRIMINAL.

    izlamo delenda est …

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