German MP predicts Merkel could be OUSTED end of NEXT WEEK – IOTW Report

German MP predicts Merkel could be OUSTED end of NEXT WEEK

Geller Report:

If Merkel is indeed ousted, Germany might have a chance to survive as a free nation. If she isn’t ousted, that survival will be very much more in doubt. The poison fruit of Merkel’s suicidal immigration policies are now obvious to everyone (except the most hardcore leftist ideologues), and she will go down in history as the worst German Chancellor since Adolf Hitler. More jihad terror attacks are coming in Germany, thanks to Merkel’s reckless, feckless, and suicidal policies regarding mass Muslim migration. If they don’t oust her, it will be all over for them sooner than anyone thinks, as their country is engulfed in chaos thanks to the Muslim migrants she welcomed in.

“‘We might have a new situation’ German MP predicts Merkel could be OUSTED end of NEXT WEEK,” by Alessandra Scotto di Santolo, Express, June 17, 2018:

GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel could lose her powerful seat in the heart of Europe as soon as next week amid clashes within her coalition Government over EU migration policies, claimed German MP Kai Whittaker.

Speaking on BBC World at One, the German politician claimed clashes between Angela Merkel and German interior minister Horst Seehofer could result in a “new political situation” in Germany by the end of next week.  more here

15 Comments on German MP predicts Merkel could be OUSTED end of NEXT WEEK

  1. The bigger news (of little interest to most Americans) is the potential breakup of the CDU/CSU Party coalition; they’ve held together for DECADES. So, for the CSU (the minor part, representing the Free State of Bavaria) to thumb their nose at the CDU os a big deal.

  2. If the krauts don’t hang her and her ilk, they’ll have accomplished nothing.

    If there’s no penalty for crime, crime will continue to increase.
    Importing rat-people is a crime against der Volk, das Viertenzegen Reich, und der Deutcheslanderlichte gebirgenmenschen. (OK, I made that up, but you get the point)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. If Slobodan Milošević could be seen as a war criminal for causing many dead, then Merkel (and obama) are right up there and should be in on trial SOON>>>>>>>!!!! At least Putin is a patriot to his own country!! Merkel is another obama!

  4. @Anonymous June 18, 2018 at 9:52 am

    > It makes me sad to wonder where will the globalists go for sympathy when the world eventually returns to sanity?

    I’ve heard Mars will be loverly, by then.
    (If they can keep out the riff raff that long.)

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