German: New anti-rape pants sell out very quickly – IOTW Report

German: New anti-rape pants sell out very quickly

VOE: Oberhausen – A bitter experience got entrepreneur Sandra Seilz (42) the idea of a device that might protect women from sexual assault in the future.

Whilst out jogging, Sandra was attacked by three drunk men, who tried to tear her pants off. The brave intervention of a pedestrian prevented worse from happening. “After that I had the wish of developing a pair of pants with which women all over the world can feel safer”, says Seilz.

The high-tech pants, called “safe shorts”, are supposed to give three times protection. She developed the high-tech pants with three built-in mechanisms:  more here


19 Comments on German: New anti-rape pants sell out very quickly

  1. Well, frick, I’m sorry for this but
    .. all I can think of when I see this is Maid Marion’s chastity underwear from Men In Tights. It’s ridiculous. Get a gun, get a guard dog, what if you wear those all of the time but then the one time you don’t you’re attacked?
    Not worth the paranoia.

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