German parliament rejects bills creating legal framework for assisted suicide – IOTW Report

German parliament rejects bills creating legal framework for assisted suicide

(LifeSiteNews) — On July 6, German legislators stalemated on two multi-party bills on how to regulate assisted suicide after the Federal Constitutional Court ruled in 2020 that Germany’s ban was a violation of the right of citizens to choose how to die by prohibiting the participation of medical professionals in the process. Until the ruling, euthanasia – a third party killing a patient, usually by lethal injection – was banned, while provision of the means of suicide (such as “medication”) was in a “legal gray area.”

The 2015 law struck down by the court as unconstitutional permitted assisted suicide for “altruistic motives” while banning it “on business terms” – offering it under those conditions could result in a three-year jail sentence. Many who had been previously engaged in the euthanasia business had stopped their work in response to the ruling. Assisted suicide in Germany is still rare relative to other countries where it has become available.  MORE

9 Comments on German parliament rejects bills creating legal framework for assisted suicide

  1. “altruistic motives”
    Who in the world owns, altruism? Progressives/Socialists, let them lineup for assisted suicide, save the planet by leaving the planet. They should take their new N@ZI rainbow flag and march, hand-in-hand to the Russian Front in Ukraine…

  2. “…Germany’s ban was a violation of the right of citizens to choose how to die by prohibiting the participation of medical professionals in the process.”

    …I would suggest you think long and hard about having doctors trained and authorized to kill people, ESPECIALLY in Germany.

    They don’t have a great history of that, and they sometimes use rather arbitrary criteria to determine who needs to die for the “greater good”.

    And don’t forget that they may have “Medical Professionals” who, Canadian style, talk people INTO suicide, and also “determine” that some people are insane (like if they oppose Communism) and therefore make the decision to “commit suicie” FOR them.

    And remember that in the US, we have mass murderers wearing white coats as well. Dr. Fauci, pick up the black line.

    …and where do they get off deciding that they can make sucide safe and comfortable and painless, even as they ban death penalies worldwide because its “cruel”? It can’t be BOTH, so either quit helping depressed people kill themselves or start killing Democrat criminals who need to be exterminated with the VERY SAME MEANS you promote to people you want to “assist suicide” with, one or the other.

    …and leave us not forget that “doctors” have a rather lucrative business in the harvesting and transplant of organs, so much so that they manipulate the definition of “death” to be able to harvest them from living bodies…and from infants. THESE are the people you want to authorize to kill people, then trust them when they say “well, they did ASK to be killed”?

    …I’m a farily primitive person in some ways, and I believe certain things. One is that healers have a gift from God and should NOT use it in His despite. God is NOT a fan of suicide, assisted or no, and doesn’t make any bones about it.

    “16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

    17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”
    1 Corinthians 3:16-17

    …Judas condemned himself not by betraying Jesus as was ordained, but by choosing to hang himself instead of asking forgiveness. Job refused his wife’s counsel that he should kill himself in his misfortunes and instead continued to trust in God on faith alone despite all his woes, and was rewarded in the end.

    Would you, as a healer, think it good to help someone apply a permanant solution to a temporary problem even at the cost of eternal damnation…perhaps even your OWN?

    God likes to think HE numbers your days, and doesn’t appreciate it when others try to encroach on His turf. Killing yourself or helping someone else do so is putting yourself in the place of the Lord, and trying to arrogate his supreme power to yourself.

    Not recommended.

    …and there’s practical matters as well. Does the person consider all those lives that are touched by the person they help to kill? Are they in any way required to? Having been in contact with the medical profession in one capacity or another for most of my adult life, I can tell you most assuredly that they do NOT. A patient is viewed in isolation because it’s just too much work and emotional involvement to consider that they are NOT a series of biological and mechanical processes that can be stopped at will but a living, breathing human being with an actual life, a history, and people who love them. Do you WANT doctors to view people as mere defective machines to be turned OFF when they are no longer useful, without regard to the difference between man and machine being that life is sacred but a machine is not?

    Down that path lies eugenics. Geriatrocide. Murder of infants. Murder of anyone with a less than perfect body or mind.

    Probably not a path the Germans in PARTICULAR should be exploring. AGAIN.

    …but that aside, would YOU be OK if you found out a parent had a doctor kill them? If he killed your sister? Killed your CHILD?

    I can only speak for myself when I say I would not be OK with that. You may turn to your own soul to see your own answer.

    The suicide likely leaves nothing behind. Life insurance typically doesn’t apply to a person who takes their own life, so even the funeral won’t be paid for. People intent on killing themselves to the point they set a date to be murdered are certainly no longer interested in creditors and debts, so it will fall to those who are left behind to deal with their propery and effects through a lenghtly probate process where any will or final directive they leave behind may be challenged on the basis that the fact they committed suicide is prima facie evidence that they were not in possession of their own faculties and therefore could not sign a will.

    And what of their children? Will a depressed person who puts their suicide on a CALENDAR make provisions for them, custody arrangements, anything? Will they be VALID given that, again, suicide can be considered proof of insanity?

    And how will the children FEEL about that? Would you like to explain that Mom hated her life so much that she killed herself to get away from it, and was no longer interested in sharing in their love and their lives? That’s one HELL of a burden to grow up with, regardless of who a child gets fobbed off on.

    …look, I’ve had a few suicides. Most want to be found, and CAN be reached, or I’d not have gotten involved. Few people call ambulances for the dead. I’ve heard sucide gestures are a cry for help and need to be taken quite seriously as such, but most ARE for that reason, that a person feels this is the ONLY way they can get the help they NEED. I’ve only had a few that survived a SINCERE effort to kill themselves, and how depressing is THAT when you can’t even KILL YOURSELF properly? It really is not hard to do, if you’re mind is made up. I won’t go into details lest I give anyone ideas, but if a person sincerely wants to die, nothing will change that.

    But the sad part is that some of those suicide gestures…end up succeeding. A person miscalculates the lethality of a common medication. A person is found much later than they thought they would be. Too much blood is lost, too much damage is done. And then there are people who cripple themselves or become brain damaged from a bad effort, a misunderstanding of human anatomy, or a miscalculation of the height of a fall or the strenght of their bones.

    There is nothing but ugly in a sucide attempt.

    …except that some DO find redemption on the other side. When a gesture is NOT successful, some find it to be that God gave them a mulligan, and now they have another chance to seek His face and find peace with Him. Your perspective on problems may change dramatically as time slows when your deliberately wrecked car crumples around you, and you’ve seen stories right HERE about how a bridge jumper experiences INSTANT regret as soon as he releases his literal hold on life.

    …that man, and others like them, get a new perspective, a new lease on life, may find out that they are loved and needed and may hear the voice of the Lord as they recover.

    A person deliberately executed by a doctor has NO chance. Not do-overs. No mulligan. No way to stop dying once a determined doctor begins to shut down their biomechanical processes. No pleading, no importuning, no last-minute regret will stay the doctor’s trained hand. The doctor himself would be crazy to stop the process as he instantly opens himself by doing to a wrongful life lawsuid, possibly having to take care of a person he crippled for the rest of their natural life, or convicted of malpractice for not ensuring his patient was “ready” (read: sufficiently talked into) for suicide in the first place. Stopping a directed execution would be tantamount to saying he was incompetent in starting it in the first place.

    …there’s a LOT of reasons, historical, biblical, practical, legal, and emotional that you do NOT want to go down the path of having sworn healers use their skills to distribute death instead. A society that countenances this will accept murder for any reason.

    A civilization that is OK with this is no civilization at ALL.

    And allowing this will prove to be its OWN suicide as well.

  3. Why does anyone need assistance to kill themselves? There’s a zillion different ways to end it. Jump off a cliff, drive your car down a boat ramp, hang glide, just do it to yourself and no one but you pulling the plug. Read where a young actress had assisted suicide in Switzerland. She got the jab and her life had been miserable since. She ended it. One still has to answer to their maker.

  4. Just the new trend in “health care”, when it cost more to keep you alive than you are worth.
    Obamacare had “end-of-life care consultations” and Canada has the MAID legislation.

  5. Cmn¢¢guy AT 9:50 AM
    “Just the new trend in “health care”, when it cost more to keep you alive than you are worth.
    Obamacare had “end-of-life care consultations” and Canada has the MAID legislation.”

    …just Democrats, the party of satan, doing their master’s bidding and running up his stolen soul score.

    Assisted suicide nets the devil TWO souls.

    The person he decived.

    And the doctor he corrupted.

    …not hard to understand why this appels to his communist minions at at all.

    Once ONE life isn’t sacred.

    NONE are.

  6. Great,
    a Tourist Boom for Assisted Dying In Toronto.

    Dinner, Dancing, & Dying in a Luxury Suite at the Royal York Hotel complete with Incineration & Shipping Back to Germany in a UPS Envelope.


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