Allah’s Willing Executioners:
A German teenager who left home to join the Islamic State (ISIS) said that she regrets what she did and wants to go home to be with her family.
Reuters reports that several German media outlets interviewed Linda Wenzel, 16, in the infirmary of a military prison in Baghdad, Iraq, where she is being held in detention.

“I just want to get away from here,” she reportedly told local media outlets. “I want to get away from the war, from the many weapons, from the noise.”
Der Spiegel magazine reports that Wenzel is one of four German women being held at the Iraqi prison for allegedly joining ISIS during the past few years and all are receiving support from the German consulate.
The teenager told the media outlets that she wishes she could be extradited to Germany and said she would comply with the authorities.
“I just want to go home to my family,” she said. MORE
File this under, “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”. Stay there bitch.
I remember when I was 16, made a shit load of mistakes too. It’s all fun and games until reality sets in. Zero fucks given. Meh! 🖕💩🤡❄️
Ironically, there are less ISIS in Iraq than in Germany now.
Probably tired of her privates smelling like a goats ass. I have no sympathy.
Germany should refuse her return andrevoke her citizenship. If they let her back in she will get comfy and fall right back in with muzzscum in Germany.
That’s loyalty for you. I bet if they we’re winning she’d stay. 🖕💩🤡❄️
Perhaps she isn’t accepted anywhere in the world.
(small violin embed public domain MIDI)
How Fu#^%@& Up would it be to Get Your Child Back Home , and Have to Worry they’ll Slit your Throat !
God knows a parents love is unfathomable.
I pissed my mom off so much once that she told me, I could kill you and make another just like you! That in itself straightedge me out right then and there. The woman knew how to put the fear of God into you. Thanks mom. 💓
You want to go home to your family? Those sub human fucks aren’t letting you go anywhere, alive. Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone?
The real world doesn’t give a shit.
What I see is the ignorance of youth and the bravado of power clashing.
Tired of competing with goat
When Reality decides to bitch slap you there is no avoiding it.
She was rolling with ISIS so whatever happens to her if it ends with “and she lived to a ripe old age” she got off easy.
Stupid Nazi kraut.
Bitch, you are “home” now, and your “family” is forming a line to the left to take turns fucking you in the ass. Enjoy your Prophet’s Wonderland, you bitch.
Well that didn’t take long, she almost LOOKS like a goat’s ass now, she did a good conversion!
If Germany can get her back home (BIG IF, she’s probably ISIS toast) she should be sent to prison immediately, solitary confinement – for life. Germany more than likely won’t execute her for treason, since she’s a minor. Realeasing her to her parents would be foolish, but not suprisimg given Germany’s high level dhimmi status.
Maybe the MPLS mayor and hillary and chelsea can slap on their burkas, hop on a plane, and pay her a nice visit and remind her the islam is the religion of peace? Dubya can go along for moral support.
In the hospital being treated for severe rectal tearing, no doubt. Had romantic visions of herself astride a white arabian horse cling to her swarthy lover. Reality, she spent entire time servicing smelly filthy lowlifes and treated like farm animal. Too bad, traitors get what they deserve.
Looks like she “sympathized” with their EYE BROWS just fine!
It’s actually the middle-aged Brook Shields.
Kinda funny, really … she gets JUST WHAT SHE WANTS and isn’t satisfied … er … uhh … happy.
Let the pro-ISIS Girl Krauts go to ISIS.
Let the socialists live under socialism.
Let the rat-people get into the backs of trucks.
Let the Fergusoners burn down Ferguson.
Let the Baltimorons be Police-free.
Let the fukkin idiots have a $15 “minimum” wage.
Let the ragheads die for Ollie.
Just cut em all off from outside assistance when the shit turns brown.
izlamo delenda est …
Her guards seem to be getting a kick out of it too.