German: The Most Lyrical of Languages – IOTW Report

German: The Most Lyrical of Languages

24 Comments on German: The Most Lyrical of Languages

  1. Having spent a year as an exchange student in (then West) Germany a lo-o-o-o-ong time ago, I can attest to the accuracy of some of this. But of course, it is overdone for comedic effect (and it worked). As for the people and the culture, however, they are very warm and kind, if a little… uh, structured. And I am now finding that we can no longer be so self-righteous about their stupidity and gullibility in falling for a charismatic, evil leader. As it turns out, such mistakes can happen to even the greatest country of them all.

    Good one, Reiuxcat!

  2. I spent almost a year in a U.S. army band in Germany and played at a lot of beer and wine festivals along the Rhine.
    I can attest,that most of the Germans I encountered were happy drunks who wouldn’t hurt a flea.

    Hitler apparently could not tolerate other cultures,however(witness the holocaust).
    He couldn’t tolerate tequila for instance. Other Gerrmas become celebratory, while it only made him even angrier. 😉

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