German Women’s Magazine Gives Tips on Treating Stab Wounds – IOTW Report

German Women’s Magazine Gives Tips on Treating Stab Wounds


As knife crime continues to be a major issue in Germany, one German women’s magazine has written an article on the treatment of stab wounds in its “health and fitness” section.

The April edition of the women’s magazine Illu der Frau contained the article “How do I treat a stab wound?” along with an adjacent subtitle which highlights the growing problem of knife crime across the country, Tichy’s Einblick reports.

The article aims to give practical advice for those who may be victims or witness stabbing attacks saying, “Importantly, before you provide first aid, make sure the perpetrators have disappeared, your own safety is a priority.”

While attacks and murders using knives have often become major headline stories — particularly those which involve migrants stabbing young German women to death, such as the cases of 15-year-old Mia in the town of Kandel in 2017 — actual reliable statistics on knife crime are sketchy at best in Germany.

In an article published earlier this year, German newspaper Die Welt noted the lack of statistics for knife crime citing the Union of Police who said that it could take years for reliable statistics to be made available. more here

14 Comments on German Women’s Magazine Gives Tips on Treating Stab Wounds

  1. Universal Background checks will put a stop to this
    So will banning military style knives
    A Tax on all knife sharpening materials
    No more private knife sales
    And there is always the Swalwell Option: You can keep your kitchen knives at a cooking school or community kitchen

  2. @Lazlo The Elder APRIL 26, 2019 AT 2:57 PM
    “Universal Background checks will put a stop to this
    So will banning military style knives
    A Tax on all knife sharpening materials
    No more private knife sales
    And there is always the Swalwell Option: You can keep your kitchen knives at a cooking school or community kitchen”

    Don’t forget to close the Knife Show loophole!

  3. Chain mail….. It’s not just for the German police anymore.

    We should bulk buy a bunch of those chain mail diving suits. We can spray paint them in the national colors of whatever Yurropeon country we sell to.

    Rich people will get to ride around in hollowed out robot suits from old Hollywood movies.

    Here we see Angela Merkel (pictured on right) and the Italian ambassador at a NATO conference.

  4. is this a recycled vid from the Russian invasion of der Fatherland in 1945? no wonder the Kraut progeny suck muslim invader ass … its in their genes to bend over to invaders, just like their Ruskie daddies

    the Krauts have bent over to any foreign invader since Caesar … just like the Froggies … & their Ruskie daddies

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