Germans Struggling With Support For The Current Thing – IOTW Report

Germans Struggling With Support For The Current Thing

6 Comments on Germans Struggling With Support For The Current Thing

  1. My German friend came back to his home in America, chock full of NATO propaganda and saying that Germany was going to re-evaluate Merkel because of her deals with that devil Putin. I told him that those were probably the smartest things she did for Germany, but shutting down the nuke and coal power plants was probably the dumbest thing she did. Except for trusting in NATO. That’s been an almost existential catastrophe.

    Of course, I was told that I was buying Putin’s lies. Whatever. He’s the one who left Germany and is triple-vaxxed, not me.

  2. Aren’t the things the current German government is doing like the things the Weimar government was doing that brought in the Nazis? It’s almost like the Germans enjoy being ruled by tyrants.

  3. In the 1970s I remarked that it wasn’t worth a single American life lost Europe in WWII to save them from living under totalitarian rule. It’s what the bastards prefer.

  4. I’d punch a German for the last 3 days I’ve spent on an alternator install on my airhead beetle. Set everything right with the fan shims and the fan still scraped.

    On the third day I put my hand in the fan shroud and felt the top of the fan was closer to the shroud than the bottom of the fan. Hmmm…

    I loosened the doghouse screws and the alternator strap and mashed the doghouse backwards whilst spinning the nator. The nator froze up. So, I mashed the doghouse to the front of the car and the fan finally went square in the bore… because it was finally fucking level. Tighten the clamp. Tighten the screws. Done.

    None of this wonderful information is in the Bentley Manual, or the Muir Travesty, or the 1963 tome, How To Fix Your Beetle.

    It turns out that’s how the alternator/generator stand is designed. It’s designed to accommodate different alt/gen diameters by simply canting the doghouse, and clamping it in the correct cant.

    So yeah, KICK a fucking German!

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