Germany: Anti-immigrant party beats Merkel – IOTW Report

Germany: Anti-immigrant party beats Merkel

BERLIN (Reuters) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats were beaten into third place by the anti-immigrant and anti-Islam Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in a north-eastern state election on Sunday, TV exit polls showed.

In a stinging defeat for Merkel in her home district that could weaken her chances of a fourth term in next year’s federal elections, the upstart AfD took 21.9 percent of the vote behind the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) in their first election in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern by campaigning hard against the chancellor’s policies on refugees, according to a projection by ARD TV at 1.15 p.m. ET.

“This isn’t pretty for us,” said Michael Grosse-Broemer, one of Merkel’s top deputies in parliament in Berlin in a ZDF TV interview. “Those who voted for the AfD were sending a message of protest.”  MORE

12 Comments on Germany: Anti-immigrant party beats Merkel

  1. She still got 19%. WTF? 19% of that country thinks rape/assault/mass murders is good thing…oh wait, Hillary is poised to get close to 50% here with the same issues on the table.

    Which country is more stupid now?

  2. Oh how fun it is to watch a bad guy get hit by the karma train. Waiting for the same for Obama, the Clintons, the mummy Pelosi, Harry the crook Reid, Ryan, oh, the list is long, but they are next. The world is waking up.

  3. “Put a knife in her … she’s done.”

    No … I think it’s “fork” … yeah, that’s it … fork … fork Angela Merkel …

    Now she can retire to South America with all of her ill-gotten booty.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “She still got 19%. WTF?”

    There is a guaranteed, built-in 20% Fed-level Democrat support in America. You will never see a approve/disapprove poll about a Dem go below 20%. Even if one murders their own mother on public TV – 20% approval rating.

    That is what we’re up against.

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