Germany Arrests Iranians Suspected of Plotting Chemical Attack – IOTW Report

Germany Arrests Iranians Suspected of Plotting Chemical Attack

WFB: German police on Sunday arrested two Iranian brothers after receiving a tip from U.S. intelligence that the men could be plotting a chemical attack.

In an overnight raid northwest of Dortmund, police arrested the brothers, aged 32 and 25. The older brother was the primary suspect in the investigation, according to the Düsseldorf prosecutor’s office, and allegedly was preparing an attack using the deadly substances cyanide and ricin.

The alleged motive for the attack was Islamic extremism, though it is unclear what the target would have been, and prosecutors did not find the toxic substances during their initial search of the apartment. MORE

4 Comments on Germany Arrests Iranians Suspected of Plotting Chemical Attack

  1. German police acted on a tip from US intelligence – that’s rich – US intelligence can’t figure out that the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey Biden is a fake president but they can discern the thoughts of two guys in Dortmund.

    “… prosecutors did not find the toxic substances during their initial search of the apartment.”

    “during their initial search” so, only in some subsequent search after the toxic substances were planted?

    Don’t allow rats into the house and you won’t have rat problems.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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