Germany: Cultural festival turns into civil war – IOTW Report

Germany: Cultural festival turns into civil war


Several armed Africans from Eritrea attacked and injured police officers and helpers at a festival planned in the city of Gießen (around 50km north of Frankfurt) over the weekend. This happened just before the start of the Eritrea Festival, which was scheduled to take place at the city’s exhibition center on Saturday evening.

Critics accuse the event of being a festival for the government in Eritrea, as the news portal T-Online reported.

Investigations are now being carried out, among other things, on suspicion of bodily harm and breach of the peace, according to a spokeswoman for the central Hesse police headquarters. Witnesses are currently being questioned, evidence collected and witness statements evaluated. The police spokeswoman could not give an exact number of the injured and arrested Eritreans.

Several videos have been circulating on Twitter, showing the attacks.

At first, Tigray supporters, around 200 young people, protested in front of the venue. A little later, some of them pushed through the fences and stormed the site. The attackers used iron bars, knives, sticks and stones against festival workers as well as police officers who were present to protect the event. The officers fought back with batons and pepper spray. more

12 Comments on Germany: Cultural festival turns into civil war

  1. Wait?!…what?!
    The po-po had BATONS!?
    Nothing heavier?!
    WHen I was stationed there (79-82), the polizei were armed with H&K MP5 subguns, due to the very real fear of and danger from the Bader Meinhoff and Red Brigade.
    My, how things have changed (pussified) since then.

  2. “Google: 6600 years ago. Muslim Brotherhood”

    Umm… really? Sure you don’t to make a correction there?

    They certainly weren’t a thing before heaven and earth were created.

    Also – smart people avoid Google as much as possible.

  3. In gun controlled Germany, which is modeled to comply with European gun control laws? How did they get guns?
    Because democrats always though criminals would abide by gun control laws, and if we have more of such laws, no more shootings, no more gun violence would happen.


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