Germany: Demonstration in Köthen against lying media and refugee crimes they refuse to report – IOTW Report

Germany: Demonstration in Köthen against lying media and refugee crimes they refuse to report

h/t the rebel

10 Comments on Germany: Demonstration in Köthen against lying media and refugee crimes they refuse to report

  1. Because of the speakers pitch and obvious German Language, he sounds a little Hitler like and I’m sure their Media loves that.
    Maybe we need to Storm the Media stations enstead of D.C, even Fake news has to cover their own Front Door.

  2. Say there boys and girls, how bout we try this? Those who favor competitive free market Capitalism, benefit from competitive free market capitalism. Those who favor socialism be forced to live by down sides of communism?

  3. Same everywhere. Global elites are pushing for population replacement of existing populations with 3rd world (mainly Muslim) peoples who have no skills and are extremely violent.

    Funny how you don’t see this in Japan.

  4. It is difficult for me to believe how *slowly* the people wake up…..

    Why are the Swedish Democrats not 79 per cent of the vote? Don’t the people, at least, gossip about the 50K *gang rapes* in the last three years? Don’t they know?

    Why the hell are their so many dullards in the US? The kids I understand, but I know smart, educated, mature folk who still pine for Hillary and grumble about the emoluments clause, that Prez Trump might be getting $2 from every room occupied by a foreigner….. That he is not taking a salary? They don’t even care. ….Lady in Red

  5. The systematic efforts by the George Soros funded groups and his moneyed “one-world government” bosses to eliminate state borders are what endangers the U.S. and Russia. The independence of Trump and Putin as patriots to protect their own respective citizens and borders should be lauded. The efforts by Soros supported NGOs to infiltrate Europe with sub Sahara should be met with force by Europe.

  6. Japan has taken in a total of less than 100 “refugees” and already they have committed several rapes (last I remember the number was 5) this is an old link from two years ago of the first 27 refugees 2 were charged with rape in the first months of their arrival.


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