Germany Offers Migrants $3,500 To Leave Voluntarily – IOTW Report

Germany Offers Migrants $3,500 To Leave Voluntarily

DC: Germany is offering rejected asylum seekers money to voluntarily return home as the government gets ready to deport Syrian migrants next summer.

The country’s interior ministry announced a scheme Saturday to give families up to 3,000 euros ($3,560) if they agree to leave. The program — titled “Your Country, Your Future, Now!” — will run through the end of February.

“If you decide by the end of February for a voluntary return, you will get in addition to first aid, a housing aid for the first twelve months in your country of origin,” Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere told newspaper Bild am Sonntag.

People who return before their asylum application has been processed are already offered 1,200 euros ($1,424) from a separate scheme.  read more

17 Comments on Germany Offers Migrants $3,500 To Leave Voluntarily

  1. So let me see. Here’s $3500 to go back to your devastated homeland full of unknown turmoil, or stay here and we’ll take care of all your needs in perpetuity. What do you thinks gonna happen?

  2. From an old joke:
    “Here’s a suckuh, muthuhfuckuh!”

    You can’t buy friendship.
    You can’t buy peace.
    Paying ransom only energizes the kidnappers.
    Take a lesson from the Russians – send em home in a shoebox.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Give mohammad $3500 to leave, he’ll be back in 4 months with fake IDs with another name and collect another $3500 and he’ll bring his family with him who will be paid $3500 too.

    German’s used to be smarter than this.

  4. This is like one of those Norwegian Prince scams.

    Hire a family of sub saharans to cross into Germany. Tell them they will be paid $1000 to do so. But they will be paid with a $3500 check. All they need to do is send $2500 to the USA and they will collect $1000 in Germany.

  5. ISIS is all but eliminated in Syria now. I do wonder how much the Germans contributed to that effort. Sounds like a good plan to get Syrian “refugees” out of Germany and send them back home. It’s time for all those Syrian “children” to go back and make a home for themselves and their families. The only fly in the ointment is that some of those “refugees” are either ISIS themselves or ISIS sympathizers. If Germany and other EU members had done their jobs in the first place there wouldn’t be this problem. It will take a long time to cull Syria and other ME countries of their returning jihadis. I’ll bet Sec of Def, Mattis already has a plan for this.

  6. ‘Isn’t that special?’ I wonder how many times they can accept the funds. I wonder how the German government will ensure the paid off don’t return. I wonder how the beleaguered German citizens feel about this.

    And then I wonder how much Americans have paid each ILLEGAL ALIEN that criminally crossed our borders, collects funds, services, housing, and works ILLEGALLY, while some of them rape, or pillage, or kills our LEGAL citizens. Damn the bleeding heart or sleazy politicians for putting the and laws of safety of America at stake.

    It’s NOT THE LEGAL IMMIGRANTS that I am furious about, it’s those that commit the CRIME of sneaking into America and use it as their toilet!

  7. @Mighty Mojo December 4, 2017 at 10:39 am

    > It’s NOT THE LEGAL IMMIGRANTS that I am furious about, it’s those that commit the CRIME of sneaking into America

    Because the cousin who marries an American — and the cousin who comes with a tourist visa to the christening, and she just “happens” to find some work — and the cousin who comes with a tourist visa to the christening, and he just doesn’t quit his job when the visa expires — and the cousin who shows up, unannounced, on their American doorstep, and nobody will say how xe got there — were all so different, in their village, at home? Because they’re all so different, in their village, here?

    Perhaps Cicero would merely call those who promote immigration, legal immigration, as “ambitious.” Perhaps he would merely call those who support “The Rule of Law,” and thus, legal immigration, as “fools.” I’d like to think not.

  8. I’ll do the Germans one better, and save them a shitton of money and future problems…..
    “Dear Illegal Alien Refugee,
    Turn around and leave, NOW, or we will expend $3.50 worth of bullets to make sure you leave, and never come back. The other $3,496.50 is to cremate you and ship your ashes back to your homeland, wherever that may be.”

    Bet’cha the Germans won’t have to do that very many times before word gets around.

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