Germany: Pig remains found at site of future mosque – IOTW Report

Germany: Pig remains found at site of future mosque

An unknown person or group planted a dead pig’s head, feet and bowels on land in Erfurt, Germany, where Muslims plan to build a mosque, local police said Monday.

The parts of the dead animal were left atop nine wooden spikes, each approximately five feet tall, at the site of the future Ahmadiyya mosque.

The move was likely intended to intimidate Muslims, who consider pigs and anything that touches the animals to be unclean.

“While such acts do not make us lose our composure … we find it very sad that people go down to such a level,” Mohammed Suleman Malik, a spokesman for the Erfurt community, told the Associated Press.

In a previous protest of the coming Erfurt facility, a group of people put up large crosses — a symbol of the Christian religion — in an adjacent lot.

—-Washington Examiner


SNIP: “While such acts do not make us lose our composure …”  They’re kidding, right?

14 Comments on Germany: Pig remains found at site of future mosque

  1. @MJA – What composure? Any composure an imam appears to have is the thinnest of veneers.

    Is there a Germanic counterpart to Charles Martel? It would be nice to see a commemorative statue across the street.

  2. Some enterprising German(s) needs to open a BBQ joint or cart across the street from the mosque (especially while its being built), with 10% off on Fridays, and half price specials at Eid and Rama-lama-ding-dong.

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