Germany Pledges Additional 3.5 Million Euros to Refugees in Libya – IOTW Report

Germany Pledges Additional 3.5 Million Euros to Refugees in Libya

BERLIN (AP) — Germany is pledging an additional 3.5 million euros ($3.9 million) to help improve conditions for refugees in Libya.

On an unannounced visit to Tripoli on Thursday, Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said many migrants in Libya “are in a desperate situation.” The money, to be paid by 2018, comes in response to a call from the UN refugee agency, UNHCR.

According to a transcript provided by the Foreign Ministry, Gabriel said the money will be in addition to Germany paying the “lion’s share” of a 100-million-euro regional program run by the International Organization for Migration.

It’s to be used to improve living conditions at refugee centers.

Many refugees fleeing the Mideast and Africa transit through Libya before attempting the perilous journey across the Mediterranean to Europe.


15 Comments on Germany Pledges Additional 3.5 Million Euros to Refugees in Libya

  1. About damn time the Germans channeled their Holocaust Guilt into actually doing something to help the Jews.

    Israel would be glad to do something positive with all that German Danegeld.

  2. What the hell’s wrong with Germany? They owe NOTHING to the murderous Satan worshiping thugs who want to take over Germany. Two preferred methods of conquering Germany are murdering Germans then out breeding Germans. And German leaders can’t see this? What the hell’s wrong with them? Deport all those worthless scum back to the middle east before it’s too late.

  3. Well, they don’t pay their fair share of NATO, they may as well feed the muslims they’ll import as refugees. It’s difficult to knife, rape and murder German citizens when you’re malnourished.

  4. If you feel compelled to help Muslim refugees, help them stay in Muslim countries. Taking the least bad Muslims from their countries and moving them to the heretofore civilized west makes both places worse off.

  5. They must be kept housed, fed and comfortable until they can book passage on a rickety fishing boat that gets them past the 12 mile limit where one of the EU coast guard ships will “rescue” them and dump them in Europe somewhere. Nice racket. The taxpayers get to pay for the invasion. This would have been a pretty slick gimmick to use on D-Day. Doughboys posing as refugees. Ike should have thought of that.

  6. Siggie, Angie et alia have lost their collective minds! Pandering to Moslems should be considered a ‘crime against humanity’, punishable by life imprisonment!

  7. The Germans have learned from The American (singular). They’re building a staging area. A big, beautiful staging area. And Greece will pay for it. Oh, yes. They will. Greece, and Spain, and Italy and Brit,,, I mean Greece, again… they’re all going to pay for Germany’s big, beautiful staging area.

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