Germany won’t deport Muslim migrant suspected of 542 crimes because they don’t know where he’s from – IOTW Report

Germany won’t deport Muslim migrant suspected of 542 crimes because they don’t know where he’s from

Jihad Watch: Germany long ago lost track of over 130,000 asylum seekers. That number is likely much higher now, since that figure was reported two years ago. 130,000 lost migrants is also just the number German authorities have admitted. There are likely more, since it has become commonplace for authorities to hide information from the public.

Now comes word that this criminal migrant “has allegedly been using legal loopholes to remain in the country.”

Police somehow don’t seem to know where he comes from; the mysterious man himself says that he comes from “various” North African Muslim countries, “including Algeria and Morocco.” Citizens of Germany and other European countries are being left on their own to look after their own safety, as they are at the mercy of any and everyone entering the country, including jihadists. Respectable citizens are paying for the lifestyle of reckless politicians and the migrants they have brought into the country. Last year, 65,000 people escaped deportation because they, too, did not have travel documents. Yet Germany continues its open-door policy.  read more

22 Comments on Germany won’t deport Muslim migrant suspected of 542 crimes because they don’t know where he’s from

  1. This is fucking hilarious, they don’t know where he’s from? Send the prick to Ireland, they’ll take anyone these days. If he’s a homo, even better. They’ll give him a government job or maybe even encourage him to become a priest and give him a free education.
    You may think I’m Joking, but I’m not.

  2. the country that used IBM (with that company’s full knowledge and enthusiastic support even though it was against US law) to track down and catalogue all the Jews within their borders and their conquered territories so they could round them up and kill them…. ( did you ever wonder exactly HOW they found all the Jews across most of Europe? Yeah- Thanks IBM punch cards.). 6 million Jews. but almost 80 years later they are clueless how to track their migrant pets?

  3. What language and/or dialect does he speak? When you know that just pack his muzzie ass up and send him to the nearest country that has that as their dominant language! FUKEM!

  4. World War 3 is going to start in europe someday when these savages take over one of the governments of the nuclearized nations of either france, britain, or germany. It is going to be a very ugly end of the planet as we know it. Putin will look like Winston Churchill and Poland, Hungary, and Austria will suffer the ravages, no fault of their own.

  5. ‘effin’ Germans … kill millions of Jews for no reason, other than being Jews, won’t punish one Muzzie that’s committed 542 crimes

    … go figure

  6. Send the prick to Scotland, nobody understands what the fuck the Scots say. “oh me bonnie aunie lorie, I lay me doon an dee.” WTF?My BIL is a nice guy, but I just can’t unnerstan him.

  7. Germany’s system of “guilt” legislating, the EU, and leadership by an East German raised progressive and her globalist cabal … The slow death of Europe isn’t easy to watch.


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