Germany’s Failing Coalition Threatens to Enact Weekend Driving Bans to Chase Their Climate Alarmist Goals – IOTW Report

Germany’s Failing Coalition Threatens to Enact Weekend Driving Bans to Chase Their Climate Alarmist Goals


The German governing coalition is an unmitigated train wreck, with a grand total of 17% of citizens polled favoring it.

Led by Olaf Scholz, the most unpopular Chancellor in recent history, the coalition spends most of the time fighting against itself.

Now, Transport Minister Volker Wissing has attracted backlash from within his own ranks after he ‘threatened’ to impose weekend driving bans in the summer.

The move would be meant to conform to the ‘climate protection law,’ and it’s yet another latest dispute within Berlin’s failing coalition over their climate alarmist obsession with ‘decarburizing.’ more

13 Comments on Germany’s Failing Coalition Threatens to Enact Weekend Driving Bans to Chase Their Climate Alarmist Goals

  1. “… Olaf Scholz, the most unpopular Chancellor in recent history …”

    More unpopular than Angela Merkel?

    Quite an achievement. Krauts sure can pick em.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I was driving to Berlin on the East German Autobahn in 1990, shortly after the wall came down. There were weeds growing out of the cracks in the road, and we would drive for half an hour before we saw another car.

    I thought West Germany absorbed East Germany after the Cold War , but it’s starting to look like the reverse is happening.

  3. Looks like we got a bunch of sour Krauts on our hands. Friss meine Scheiße you communist environmental assholes Same goes for the communist death democrat green dickheads we have here in the USA.


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