‘Get over it’: Michael Bloomberg girlfriend dismisses NDA controversy – IOTW Report

‘Get over it’: Michael Bloomberg girlfriend dismisses NDA controversy

Is this like a Corey Booker/Rosario Dawson thing?

WaEx: Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s girlfriend delivered a stern message for critics of the Democratic presidential candidate’s history of nondisclosure agreements with women.

Diana Taylor, Bloomberg’s longtime partner, reacted to the controversy surrounding the NDAs between the billionaire’s company and former female employees. “In none of them was he accused of doing anything and saying something nasty to a woman. That is not who he is,” Taylor said to CBS News while at a campaign stop in Texas.

“Life has changed. I grew up in that world. It was a bro culture. … We have come a very, very long way, and Michael Bloomberg has been at the forefront of that change,” Taylor said.

She argued the controversy should be disregarded because of the time that the alleged incidents happened. “It was thirty years ago. Get over it,” Taylor said. more

13 Comments on ‘Get over it’: Michael Bloomberg girlfriend dismisses NDA controversy

  1. Okay fine.

    We don’t want him because he’s a personality-disordered little misanthrope with a tyrannical Napolean complex and dangerous feudalist globalist elitist ideas, such as supporting a world government oligarchy in which the peasants of whatever country are fungible unarmed workers who live by the rules their betters dictate to them for “their” own benefit.

  2. 32 oz soda ban was enough for me to never support this asshole.
    I don’t give a fuck if he’s short (full disclosure – I’m a fuckin midget).
    I don’t give a fuck that he’s rich (full disclosure – I’m not rich).
    I don’t give a fuck that he talks funny (full disclosure – I don’t).
    I don’t give a fuck that he doesn’t smoke (full disclosure – I do).
    I don’t give a fuck that he had female employees sign NDAs (full disclosure – I suspect they got paid to do so).
    I don’t give a fuck that he’s an insufferable bore (full disclosure – so am I).

    But until he can explain to my satisfaction by what authority a gov’t (any gov’t) “established and ordained” by We, the People, can dictate to those very same People who established it what size sodas they are “allowed” to drink, I will never vote for him or his ilk.
    He can shove his Dick-tator up his ass.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. What a Looker!
    Never knew Olive Oil had a twin.
    Gee Mikey, you lucky lil’ garden elf,,,
    (Cheap bastard, that’s one of the ugliest white woman I’ve ever seen.
    No Stormy Daniels for you!

  4. “It was thirty years ago. Get over it,”

    where was she during the Kavanaugh SC hearings?
    I’m impressed that she thinks she knows what the little weasel does behind her back. And how does she know the content of the NDA’s? It sounds to me like those agreements are one sided. Her categorizing the nature of the NDA’s is in itself a degree of disclosure.


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