Get the hell out of NYC while you can – IOTW Report

Get the hell out of NYC while you can

homeless peeing in street nyc

New York City is one of the worst most populous places to live in America, barely edging out dusty hellholes like Fresno, a study of the nation’s choicest urban enclaves revealed Wednesday. – NYP

14 Comments on Get the hell out of NYC while you can

  1. Florida soon with so many others that have had enough. The good NYers, not the scumbag liberal shitbags and not to the east coast where the filthy liberal upper west side leftists go and vote for shit like Wasserman-Shit.

    Realign and go.south where we can reinforce the troops that lo e America. Stomp out the leftist poisoning of the south with the help.of good Yankees.

  2. Remember the good old days when crazy people were rounded up?
    Remember the cliche from the cartoons? The men in the white coats would come running with nets to round up a crazy person.
    It was so prevalent of an idea that it made it into the cartoons.
    Pissing in the street and exposing yourself to the public would qualify for being rounded up in those days
    It also meant that there was a standard.
    A standard for acceptable behavior.
    Also it meant that if a person was ‘acting out’ (meaning out of the normal range of acceptable behaviors) there was a number you could call and men would come running.
    It meant there was a place to put these people.
    A place that would keep them from harming the rest of us, and hopefully get them some help (which should be the main objective).
    Sure, give Iran a billion dollars. Send billions to ass crack countries that openly plot against us.

    Half these homeless people are Veterans who deserve a lot better.
    How about stopping these stupid studies about whether or not fat lesbians are happier than skinny ones, or if dogs approve of nougat?
    Take that money and put it into taking care of these people.
    Or maybe we’ll start using our own money to buy tar and feathers and see how local politicians like us when we’re angry

  3. NYC monthly rent prices:

    average rent for a studio: $2500

    average rent for a one bedroom: $3600

    $43,000 a year.

    lived there in the 80s and took the D and F trains on a daily basis.
    words cannot describe the things i saw and the smell? just no words….

  4. People who cling to the “I am a New Yorker” syndrome are similar to those who still sop up their drool saying “I live in San Francisco”…woo woo…who cares? You pick where you live..and if the past enhances your self-image to THIS level, you are seriously deluded….

  5. I couldn’t leave Long Island and NYC fast enough in 1987. Back then we paid $800 a month for a 3 room, 6-floor walk-up decorated with tapestries and futons. Found a handsome sailor in Annapolis and never looked back. Now we’re in paradise on Hilton Head Island.

    Voir Dire – you are somewhat right, I had to live where I worked most of my life, but now I can pick where I live and it’s great.

  6. Believe it. Today I had a doctor’s appointment in midtown Manhattan after work. I came home via Grand Central Station. On the lower level there is a food court. I sat down just long enough to eat a sandwich and drink a bottle of soda–maybe fifteen minutes. I counted six homeless people. You didn’t have this under Giuliani and Bloomberg. But you know, Giuliani was rayciss and Bloomberg was elitist, so de Blasio da man.

    Gimme a friggin’ break.

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