Get the milk and bread! – IOTW Report

Get the milk and bread!

Alarmists Claim Major Hurricanes Have Doubled Due To Global Warming, But The Real Number Is ‘Closer to 0%’.

DC: A group of four prominent climate scientists have put forward a startling claim that the number of major hurricanes has increased two-fold or even three-fold in recent decades.

There’s just one problem — it’s probably not accurate.

“Storms of 200 km/h and more have doubled in number, and those of 250 km/h and more have tripled,” scientists Stefan Rahmstorf, Kerry Emanuel, Mike Mann and Jim Kossin wrote on the blog

Scientists based their startling claim on work done by Emanuel, a hurricane expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Rahmstorf and his colleagues admitted “some of the trend may be owing to improved observation techniques,” but argued it “provides some evidence that a global increase in the most intense tropical storms due to global warming is not just predicted by models but already happening.”

The scientists are referring to hurricanes, or tropical cyclones, of about Category 3 and higher on the Saffir-Simpson scale of storm strength. Their data shows a roughly 100-percent increase in Category 3 hurricanes and a more than 300-percent increase in Category 5 storms.

Atlantic hurricane season officially began on Friday, so the scientists’ analysis of global warming and hurricanes gained some media attention, but reporters should have been more skeptical of the claims made.

Cato Institute atmospheric scientist Ryan Maue, also an expert on hurricanes, called out the four scientists for making a claim he couldn’t replicate.  more here

8 Comments on Get the milk and bread!

  1. HELO
    57 years ago while working on the firs set of initials following my name -back when I needed a resume – in an advanced Macro class one of he books that was “required reading” was FIGURES DONT LIE, BUT LIARS CAN FIGURE, A very good, short (I LIKE SHORT BOOKS, ANIMAN FARM; READ BUT DISLIKE LONG BOOKS -1984)book. One of the topics was how the America hating press rigged polls to get the results to show how rotten Americans are.

    Your post makes me think you may have st least been exposed to it ; if not read it.


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