Get to the back of the line AMERICANS!!! – IOTW Report

Get to the back of the line AMERICANS!!!

Confirmed: Illegal Alien Kids Will Be Going to Publicly Funded Charter School in Texas

Do we have a red line? Has the state crossed the people’s red line yet, because I feel like we are giant vaginas.

10 Comments on Get to the back of the line AMERICANS!!!

  1. O is trying to get impeached. It’s his only chance to completely tear this country apart once and for all . He and many others are going to jail in a couple of years if he fails. Fucking piece of shit…

  2. The open borders dots are starting to be connected.

    If the illegals are going to a charter school in Texas chances are very good it is a stealth jihad school connected to the Harmony school and a Turkish Muslim named Fethullah Gulen.

    I have personal experience with one of the Harmony schools in Texas because I tried to get my son enrolled. They repeatedly lost his application and denied his acceptance, despite being at the top of his class. We are Jewish. I later found out they are part of the stealth jihad network and am very relieved that he didn’t end up at that school. Read on –

    Stealth Islamist Charter Schools Under Investigation

    Welcome to dhimmitude.

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