Getting Elected Didn’t Help Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Grow Brain Cells – IOTW Report

Getting Elected Didn’t Help Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Grow Brain Cells

The Lid: Whenever Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sits for an interview people wonder if Boston University is going to demand she return her diploma because her lack of brain cells giving the school a bad reputation. Her protest of Amazon locating one of its new headquarters in Queens, New York, proves that getting elected to congress didn’t spur a significant growth of cranial neurons.

Amazon announced that it is going to build one of its two new headquarters in the Queens, NYC neighborhood of Long Island City. The new headquarters would create 25,000 “full-time high-paying jobs” and Amazon will invest about $2.5 billion in its campus and related projects, including infrastructure and green-space development. The announcement made New York so happy that Mayor DeBlasio and Governor Cuomo appeared in the same building without resorting to violently attacking each other.

But not everyone was happy….the new Democratic-Socialist member of the NY Congressional delegation, the dim-witted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez  more here

22 Comments on Getting Elected Didn’t Help Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Grow Brain Cells

  1. I would laugh at her but the fact is she is now a voting member of congress ready to cast a vote to impeach….THERE IS NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT THIS DIMWIT GETTING ELECTRED or her fellow Muslims or Racist Clowns…..

  2. This will be the first time a C-SPAN cameraman will be heard from as the House members give speeches. Laughing uncontrollably, an out-to-lunch sign will be placed in front of the lens.

  3. She will learn to present herself better and hey, she picked the right party. Pelosi can’t even finish a sentence anymore without butchering words, names or just making weird faces and freezing up and may likely still end up speaker.

  4. It’s really pathetic that there are so many ignorant people in this country. It’s hard to beat tipping islands, but this one is either tied or beats him. I always write off ever visiting anywhere that has so many ignorant people and you have to be ignorant to vote for the stupidity we see watching C-Span.

  5. Amazon should be very concerned Ocasio-Cortez is their Congressional representative, although the local damage she can do may be minimized. However, she clearly either has no understanding of how corporations are to operate, or doesn’t care.

    Essentially, Ocasio-Cortez sees large corporations as giant money-making machines who must be forced to underwrite whatever social justice programs the elites think are necessary. Amazon may generate $500 million in annual tax revenues for the city, but Ocasio-Cortez believes this isn’t enough and will agitate for more. The primary purpose of a corporation is to maximize value and profits for shareholders, but Ocasio-Cortez won’t be satisfied until Amazon is devoting all of their profits (and probably more) for whatever hare-brained schemes she and her socialist buddies can dream up. Amazon can earn money, but Ocasio-Cortez and her ilk will dictate how that money will be spent.

  6. Like I always say, when any school now a days charges you(& or tax payers) big bucks…..they’re gonna say you’re the smartest one in the room. They aren’t gonna refund the $ and tell you you’re dumb as a brick.

    “The announcement made New York so happy that Mayor DeBlasio and Governor Cuomo appeared in the same building without resorting to violently attacking each other.”
    I imagine that would have been a girly dog paddle type slap fest.

  7. I’m turning over a new leaf and plowing ahead on the optimism train.
    So I’d like to thank all the voters (legal and illegal) who sent this rabble rousing airhead to DC to agitate the corrupt democrats, make the Congressional Black Caucus appear as Mensa intellectuals, and increase the number of Marxist protestors to occupy Nancy’s office on a weekly basis.
    This is going to be funfreakingtastic.


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