“Getting what they voted for, good and hard.” – IOTW Report

“Getting what they voted for, good and hard.”


As Twitchy reported, President Biden signed about a dozen executive orders on his first day in office, among them an order that makes it mandatory to allow biological males to compete on women’s sports teams.

As Biden said during the presidential campaign, “Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time,” and there would be “no room for compromise,” not even when it came to trans women competing on girls’ sports teams. “Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports,” the executive order reads.

Let alone requiring schools to let biological males use women’s locker rooms, plenty spoke up about the effect this will have on women’s sports. The Guardian says the executive order “offers hope for young trans athletes.” more

27 Comments on “Getting what they voted for, good and hard.”

  1. “The Illusion of Choice Express” is about to pull into the station… and boy oh boy are these idiots gonna be shocked when they realize the cold, hard facts about the only way out of the mess they helped create. This is NOT going to end well.
    I predict an upcoming Ceausescu moment. You heard it here first.

  2. Heretic –
    “…Biden literally can’t wait to tear this country down…”

    It’s one of two things:

    a) He doesn’t have a clue what he is really signing, or
    b) He is following the instructions of his Chinese Communist handlers.

    Or, a third scenario: A combination of both a & b.

  3. ‘America being torn from its roots’….You can watch it live as the liberals perform the ‘Death of America’, at our expense.

    It’s horrible to watch this country being torn to shreds….It’s much more painful to know we are paying them to do it.

  4. A rigged election is all about eliminating competition, and so is allowing these disturbed trans people to engage in college and HS women’s sports. Did feminists not see it coming? Martina Navratilova has mentioned it a few times over the past couple of years.

    Maybe Biden wants to increase the competition for Lesbian athletes by allowing these trans freaks to compete. Whatever, it’s all a blight upon our souls.

  5. Some of you are missing the mark or the point.

    They don’t care about who is IN power as long as THEY are in power and taking away liberties.

    While at the same time retaining access to nice things.

    They believe in ‘breaking eggs to makes omelettes…’.

    But in Communist Utopia there is nothing to eat with any real flavor.

  6. I heard Chris Christie say Trump lost the suburban women’s vote, by a LOT.
    – They were singly the most responsible for putting Biden in over Trump.
    These suburban women’s daughters now get to compete with Tyrone.
    – I mean Tyroniqua

  7. So many of these gender experimenters end up doing suicide after they realize that the swap hasn’t resolved their issues. They need psychologists, not dresses.

  8. THE VILLAIN WILL BE REMOVED. Be patient. Much is going on behind the scenes. The corruption must all be rooted out, and like a surgeon removing cancer, the operation must not end early just to get it over with… the surgeon must get it all. In the meantime, we will see the far left and the moderate left go to war with each other. All will see the seething hatred the left has for everyone.
    Trump won big. The data is out there. Justice will be served. For this we give thanks to the LORD of hosts.

  9. “In the same way whenever a massacre of Armenians is reported from Asia Minor, every one assumes that it has been carried out “under orders” from somewhere or another; no one seems to think that there are people who might *like* to kill their neighbors now and then.”

    Biden has no redeeming features – there are no mitigating circumstances – he is evil – he hates America – he is determined to destroy it. And there are many lesser imps and demons to assist him – in BOTH Parties.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I can’t seem to recall a single instance of a woman who has transitioned to a man, who actually won an athletic competition when competing against other men. Wonder why that is?

  11. Sorry Eric, I too give thanks to God for His great mercies but the promise of “Much going on behind the scenes” has worn thin. It reeks of Qanon nonsense. Just repeating the same wishful or meaningless thoughts and assuring everyone that this is all being dealt with and we will witness a great revelation of justice. I’m tired of hearing it.

    The promises of Giuliani, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell and even President Trump have all just turned into mist before our very eyes.

    God is in control and His will is to be done but it is not necessarily the salvation of the United States. Much of that is up to us.


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