Ghislaine Maxwell Opens Up About Her Work With The Clintons – IOTW Report

Ghislaine Maxwell Opens Up About Her Work With The Clintons

Maxwell’s lawyer is trying to get her time in jail reduced.
If she’s not careful, Hillary will reduce her time, free of charge.

EnVolve: Ghislaine Maxwell, a child sex trafficker for Jeffrey Epstein, has audaciously come forth in court regarding her close ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton only days before she is sentenced for the crime.

In a 77-page court document, Maxwell directly accuses the Clintons of being involved in Jeffrey Epstein’s world and admits she helped “start and grow” the Clinton Global Initiative. She also claims she fears for her life in prison because snipers are allegedly waiting to assassinate her.

Maxwell appears to be using her relationship with the Clintons to negotiate a lighter punishment for her role in the trafficking of minors by Epstein and his influential VIP associates. MORE

10 Comments on Ghislaine Maxwell Opens Up About Her Work With The Clintons

  1. I’ve come to conclusion that the only reason this woman is still alive is probably because she’s already taken steps — like creating a letter that lays out EVERYTHING, including names of those involved and as much hard evidence as she can put together — that will be triggered if anything happens to her, and she’s let it be known that she’s done this. I’m also betting that Epstein DIDN’T take similar measures, considering what happened to him in the same circumstances.

  2. Maxwell was convicted for being the #2 villain in the Epstein case. The Clintons held more power, but she is the bigger criminal in that case. They only cut deals with the little fish to nab the big ones, not the other way around.

  3. C’mon Gizzy, cough up the tens of thousands of secret recordings and videos that the FBI didn’t seize when they busted Jeffrey Einstein. Reduce your sentence and satisfy our curiosity. It might get you out of prison in your lifetime. Tea and crumpets will be awaiting you in London if you do, and gruel and stale bread if you don’t rat out the Rats. It’s as easy as falling off a yacht to avoid jail time. Ask Daddy Maxwell.

  4. The Clintons will walk away from this unscathed. Ghrislaine is going to get hers, everyone else goes free. Unless she has some hard core evidence to get her time lessened, we won’t hear from her again. I think it’s too late for her to present anything to help her cause, she would have presented it early in the case. We would have heard about it. She’s too scared of her assassination.

  5. She will be just another Clinton lackey who will have died of “natural causes”, double tap to the back of the head through the tightly wrapped plastic bag. No post mortem, no investigation, nothing to see here, please move along.


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