Ghislaine Maxwell trial postponed until the fall – IOTW Report

Ghislaine Maxwell trial postponed until the fall


The trial for Ghislaine Maxwell, associate to the late Jeffrey Epstein, was postponed on Monday until the fall.

Judge Alison Nathan determined the defense needs more time to prepare after a superseding indictment was filed in late March, adding charges of sex trafficking to allegations that Maxwell, 59, recruited underage girls to be abused by Epstein.

Maxwell, who is being held without bail at New York’s Metropolitan Detention Center, has maintained her innocence and was set to stand trial in July.

Nathan, who is a judge in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, cited the defense’s ability to review the new evidence, their preparations for any pretrial motions based on it, and coronavirus-related delays to investigations as reasons for her decision. more

13 Comments on Ghislaine Maxwell trial postponed until the fall

  1. So far, nothing has come from the Epstein/Maxwell arrests the seems to have had any effect on the rich and powerful people that were supposedly involved.

    I don’t expect that anything will, leaving any accusations against them to stay in the tinfoil hat conspiracy theory realm.

  2. The powerful who could be implicated have done this in hopes that it will all fade away. In the fall it will be so much yesterday’s news, nobody will care, and they will kill it.

    Anything to avoid dragging rich demorats through the mud.

  3. This gives her more time to negotiate with the Biden Admin. to fake her death and release her from prison. Set her up with a totally different identity so she will not expose the rest of the Democrat and Republican Pervs she’s protecting from exposure. That means giving over all video tapes, recordings, photographs of said Pervs in action on Pedo Island and other places.

    Sound about right? Remember they did it for W with a different Driver’s License number and they did for Obama.

  4. Not-to-worry. When COVID-21 strikes this Fall, those vaccinated will drop like flies and there will be no room in the news headlines for this two-tiered Justice story.

    2020: “Wasn’t I a stinker?”

    2021: “Hold my beer.”

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