Ghost Apples Beautifully Haunt Michigan Farm – IOTW Report

Ghost Apples Beautifully Haunt Michigan Farm

KFI: Most people don’t enjoy extremely cold weather, like the kind when you walk outside and can barely move because of massive amounts of snow or thick layers of ice. However, it turns out that all that wintery weather can cause some beautiful images. A farmer in Michigan stumbled upon one example and knew that what he was seeing was so unique, he had to grab his camera and photograph it. See here

15 Comments on Ghost Apples Beautifully Haunt Michigan Farm

  1. “Americans are so enslaved now that they think the proper response to tyranny is acceptance instead of rushing outside with pitchforks and torches.”

    i like turtles

  2. I know this orchard.
    Suburbs of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
    Michigan is a damp state, with more than it’s fair share of cloudy, cold, wet weather because of the Great Lakes effect.
    Had heard of this phenomenon, but never seen pictures before.


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