Ghostly site: the Smith Mine is a haunting legacy of a Montana tragedy – IOTW Report

Ghostly site: the Smith Mine is a haunting legacy of a Montana tragedy


Just off Highway 308 in Carbon County, between Red Lodge and Bear Creek, you come across a ghostly site.

The buildings—still standing against time and the elements—are what’s left of the Smith Mine.

It looked much different on Feb. 27, 1943, with the nation at war and coal in high demand.

“The coal mining in this valley had really ramped up because of the war. Coal to feed the smelters to make iron for the war, basically,” said Jeff McNeish, who has authored several books on the Smith Mine Disaster, the worst coal mining tragedy in Montana history. more

h/t Systemically Confused

10 Comments on Ghostly site: the Smith Mine is a haunting legacy of a Montana tragedy

  1. This story is not imaginable for 99.99% people that don’t have to EVER think about digging their own dam FATHER out, when taking the dam job to begin with. THEY KNOW the risks and do it anyways, for many different reasons.

    HORRIBLE. But those were the men and the woman that supported them that made us(a).

    The Bee Gees, 1967, did a GREAT song about such mining disasters:
    NY Mining Disaster 1941

    God Bless minors and mining.

    FUCK YOU JOE AND OBAMA…oh and Commieala, THAT goes for YOU too!

  2. Check out movies, “Mine 9” and “the 33. You might get a feel for who these men and women were and how these folks lived and died day to day. I do recall the song by the Bee Gees, it was the year I joined the Air Force.

  3. Just drove by this last month.

    Took a day trip from Cody, WY to Beartooth Lake, then Top of The World through Redlodge and back home. All the day before the smoke came.

    Beautiful day.


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