Gibson’s Bakery “May Only Survive for the Next Couple of Months,” Pleads With Court To Collect Against Oberlin College – IOTW Report

Gibson’s Bakery “May Only Survive for the Next Couple of Months,” Pleads With Court To Collect Against Oberlin College

Legal Insurrection: It is over 3 years since Gibson’s Bakery obtained judgment against Oberlin College for almost $32 million, which with accumulated interest nears $36 million, the amount of a bond posted by the college through Zurich American Insurance to secure the judgment.

Neither “Grandpa” Allyn Gibson nor his son David Gibson lived to see the Gibson family collect. They both passed away, as Oberlin College waited them out.

Oberlin College has done everything possible to delay the Gibson’s getting the money, including an appeal which the college lost and another appeal to the Ohio Supreme Court, which has not yet ruled on whether it will hear the case. Because the appellate court ruling affirming the judgment included a mandate that the trial court “execute” on the judgment, the Gibsons moved in the trial court to collect the bond. The college then sought a stay from the Ohio Supreme Court. Neither the trial court nor the Ohio Supreme Court have ruled on the motions as of this writing, so the Gibson’s attempt to collect on the bond is in limbo. more here

12 Comments on Gibson’s Bakery “May Only Survive for the Next Couple of Months,” Pleads With Court To Collect Against Oberlin College

  1. The law always becomes nothing but a tool in the hands of the devil used to beat the righteous down.

    That’s why God sent Jesus to grant salvation through grace.

    The devil can’t interfere with that.

    Democrats learned well from their father the devil that the law applies only to the law abiding, which they are not.

    Oberlin college will never pay a dime in this sick and sin-struck world, since the devil sits on both sides of the table and behind the bench for all.

    You cannot use the devil’s tools in his despite. And “the law” has become a tool of the devil. Put another way, if you put on the ring of Sauron, you become Sauron.

    We all know where this is going. How it has to end. How it WILL end, sooner or later.

    But too many are still too comfortable to be as our founders were, to draw a line and defend it, even at the cost of their treasure and their lives.

    They will fight over pronouns, over skin color, over anything that interferes with their absolute rule to the death, and we won’t.

    And they will win until we do.

  2. I am not familiar with this ongoing saga, so I went back to the very first article LI posted in 2016 to find out the underlying story. And to my surprise (not), it’s all about the race card and Trump Derangement Syndrome. It was Trump’s fault. His election created “a (perceived) environment for racial strife”. Or stated otherwise, an excuse to instigate racial protests.

  3. Like good little Nazis, student leader tell tours not to buy at the bakery. How sickening is this? And the kicker, the young little Nazis have no clue why they are saying these things because students are indoctrinated and not taught. Progs are terrible people.

  4. Because Patriots(TM), Conservatives(TM), Muh Constitusion!ists…

    Who betray you to The Party’s block supervisor… for BadThink…

    Who insist you sit down, shut up, and wa…i…t… for the Opportunity(TM) to vote harderer… for those who have sworn Their Sacred Honor(TM) to The Party’s empty throne… to be allowed on The Party’s ballots…

    Who demand you pay “your” taxes… for the Privilege(TM) of The Rule Of Law(TM)… by The Party’s loyal soldiers…

    Are. Not. Your. Enemy.

  5. Hospitals also like to play the waiting game on lawsuits. A buddy I used to work with, his daughter went into the hospital to give birth. No insurance, there was trouble during the delivery and they pulled the kid out by his arm necessitating about $200k in surgeries that my buddy ended up paying for. He’s still waiting 7 years later.


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