Gibson’s Bakery Scores a Victory for Truth – IOTW Report

Gibson’s Bakery Scores a Victory for Truth

CNS– Star Parker:

Periodically, in what seems like a never-ending assault on our basic values and the rule of law, good news emerges.

The good news now is the unanimous decision of a panel of three judges on an Ohio Court of Appeals, supporting a jury decision in favor of Gibson’s Bakery in its case against Oberlin College.

Gibson’s Bakery sued Oberlin College for libel, intentional infliction of emotional distress and intentional interference with a business relationship, because of the school’s involvement in and support of student demonstrations accusing the bakery of racial profiling and discrimination.

The decision is worthy of our attention because it shows just how troubling the situation is at our colleges and universities.

As our nation leans increasingly to the left, as our most basic values — now called conservative values — are being pushed out the door, and while they are displaced by the chaos of moral relativism, some bold individuals — in this case, the proprietors of Gibson’s Bakery in Oberlin, Ohio — refuse to be intimidated and concede. more

11 Comments on Gibson’s Bakery Scores a Victory for Truth

  1. Events like this make me wish I owned a charitable philanthropy fund. I would pay indigents and illegals in this college town to protest. One requirement, they would have march right next to the administration building while holding protest signs that read,
    ” Oberlin College Admin Are Dick Heads “.
    Free Gibson’s Bakery donuts to protestors. The fund will pick up the tab.

  2. “The decision is worthy of our attention because it shows just how troubling the situation is at our colleges and universities.”

    I just read an article regarding student and faculty protests at Calvin University here in Michigan for not being inclusive of the LGBTQ community. This is a so-called Christian school folks. I mean, if you want your own religion, then go make one.

  3. Oberlin College – This is a free speech issue.
    No, this is about you cutting ties with a local business because of a false allegation, essentially agreeing that the business was RACCIISSSSTTTTT, even though the owner was clearly in the right.
    The decision does not say you have to prevent the students from protesting, it just says that you cannot libel someone because your students are protesting.

  4. Oberlin college is a prime example of “More money than brains”!
    I know of a couple of kids who went there who are now 30 something, useless, unemployed Liberals still living at home!
    We first went to Gibson’s out of support for them and continue to go there occasionally even though it is not close by. A charming little bakery in a quaint, small town setting.

  5. @TheMule – you nailed it. Gibson’s stopped a shop lifter who happened to be Black. The bottom line is the college wants Gibson’s property which has been in the family for generations. The college pushed the entire racism theme.

    Screw Oberlin! My first job in Ohio was working with student groups at Oberlin. I hated it. Those students had no conception of reality. I lasted a year.

  6. @TRF,we too go to Gibson’s for the support. Also for the donuts and ice cream. It’s not close but the family was always vey helpful and nice to me when I worked in Oberlin decades ago.


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