Giddy Up! DOJ Admits They Have a Grand Jury Empaneled in FBI and DOJ Investigation – IOTW Report

Giddy Up! DOJ Admits They Have a Grand Jury Empaneled in FBI and DOJ Investigation

CTH: Today chairman Bob Goodlatte sends a formal subpoena to the DOJ (Inspector General Michael Horowitz) for documents regarding the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, potential abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility recommendation to fire former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

However, it’s not the subpoena that should make the news.  Pay close attention to the DOJ response.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) is one of the top three people throughout the entirety of congress with a comprehensive knowledge of the events surrounding the investigations of the FBI and DOJ. Chairman Goodlatte is one of only four people outside the DOJ who have read the full DOJ FISA application used for a Title-1 Surveillance warrant of Carter Page.

The House Judiciary Committee holds the primary statutory oversight over the U.S. Department of Justice. Additionally, Chairman Goodlatte is the congressional office working closest with DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz. In short, Goodlatte is the center of all ‘oversight’ information circling the investigations into the DOJ and FBI.

However, all of that said, even Chairman Bob Goodlatte doesn’t, and shouldn’t, know what criminal investigations are underway.  We’ve explained this dynamic of disconnect numerous times.  We really began emphasizing this when AG Jeff Sessions admitted he brought in a prosecutor from outside Washington DC to work with Inspector General Horowitz.  MORE HERE

h/t Bob.

8 Comments on Giddy Up! DOJ Admits They Have a Grand Jury Empaneled in FBI and DOJ Investigation

  1. Woahhhhh! Caught me off guard with that.

    Better now, remembered ain’t nobody going to jail or even losing a pension.

    Think of this as internet porn. Sex is happening, but you ain’t involved. The sex ain’t real, it’s just portrayed that way. Substitute justice for sex and you’ll get the idea.

  2. I understand that the collection and preservation of evidence is essential to persecuting a criminal case. And I understand that criminal persecutions take a LOOOOONG time.


    Does the IG, DOJ, Republican party, and President Trump understand what happens IF the big bomb does not drop NLT August or very early September?

    I’ll paint you a picture: the Grand Jury is ready to release the names and charges against the bad actors in October, the MSM and demoncrats scream it is all a witch hunt and political grandstanding. Between the non-stop 24/7 repetition of this message flooding every single news, talk and soap opera on TV, radio and magazine. Then add the protests and riots that the MSM will promote (and the demoncrat party will subsidize) as the righteous anger of the American people against such obvious politicking right before an election. Add in a pork filled budget that demoralizes the republican base…

    Now suppose what happens IF…..
    – we lose the House and Senate in the 2018 mid term. Which means that the deep state will now win, ALL of the evidence of ANY corruption will vanish and ALL of the weaponized agencies will now focus their revenge on President Trump and any and ALL that tried to threaten their power.

    What do you think these weaponized Federal agencies will do once they discover that not only will they NOT answer for their crimes, but that they are empowered to ravage those who dared to threaten them and the power they weld?

    I understand that to do a complete and thorough job requires a lot of time.

    We (as in the United States of America) may not have that time.

    You go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you might have in the future.

    Because we need to realize that there is a date that once we go past that date…

    Then we will have lost before we could fire a singe shot.

    Please God give us a chance to fight for the nation our forefathers sacrificed and died to create. The nation our Grandfathers and Fathers defended from a world that hated freedom and liberty. Lord give us the courage to once again stand in the breech and proclaim that THIS is worth fighting and dying for.

    And that a government of the people can not be destroyed by those who would enslave them.

    MSG Grumpy

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