Gillibrand Releases $10 Trillion Climate Change Proposal – IOTW Report

Gillibrand Releases $10 Trillion Climate Change Proposal

WFB: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) released her “moonshot” plan to address climate change on Thursday, calling for $10 trillion in spending over the next decade.

The 2020 candidate published a Medium post where she boasted about signing on early to the Green New Deal, a far-reaching resolution sponsored by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) that would drastically overhaul the economic and energy systems of the United States.

“As president, I will restore U.S. climate leadership with ambitious and immediate action to enact the Green New Deal, mobilize $10 trillion in public and private funding over the next decade and set us on the course to achieve net-zero carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions,” Gillibrand wrote. “I’ll make climate polluters pay, transform our economy with good-paying green jobs, and protect clean air and clean water as fundamental human rights.

“We must set our ambitions high and aim to achieve net-zero emissions in the next decade, and we will put enforceable standards in place to ensure our whole economy meets net-zero emissions no later than 2050.”

She said she would also end all new fossil fuel leases on public lands and the Outer Continental Shelf, ban fracking on public lands, and “end fossil fuel exports that are contributing to climate pollution overseas.” more

15 Comments on Gillibrand Releases $10 Trillion Climate Change Proposal

  1. “… achieve net-zero emissions in the next decade … “

    so, that’s when are you gonna STFU? … well, we got that to look forward to!

    btw, if this scheme doesn’t collapse the economy, nothing will

    & … is the score really that close???

  2. For $10trillion(!), wouldn’t it be cheaper to move all humans to another planet, thus allowing Earth’s climate to fend for itself??

  3. “We must set our ambitions high and aim to achieve net-zero emissions in the next decade, [..] no later than 2050.”

    I don’t see what could possibly go wrong with 10 Trillion of our money when the master planner thinks 30 years is a decade. Maybe she really meant 30 Trillion?

  4. A few trillion for climate hoax, a few trillion to pay off student loans, a few trillion to provide medicrap for all, a few trillion for reparations

    These clowns are economically ignorant and have no business with their own checking accounts let alone the country’s

  5. We could improve our attenuation of the (proclaimed) causes of climate change by stopping the excessive American population growth resulting from illegal immigration and “refugee” migration.

    Wonder if any of them will include that proposal in their climate deal plans?


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