Gillum: Medicare for All Won’t Work in Florida Alone, We’d Need ‘Confederation of States’ – IOTW Report

Gillum: Medicare for All Won’t Work in Florida Alone, We’d Need ‘Confederation of States’

Breitbart: On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” Tallahassee Mayor and Florida Democratic Gubernatorial nominee Andrew Gillum said that for Florida to do a Medicare for all system, “we would have to do it as a confederation of states. We could not do it by ourselves solely here in the state of Florida.”

Gillum stated, “Well, the budget deficit in this state is going to be largely driven by the great big tax giveaways that Republicans have pursued nearly every legislative session that I can remember. We know that the fastest growing part of the state’s budget is its healthcare costs. We also know that this governor failed to expand Medicaid for over 700,000 of the most medically needy people in this state, leaving $6 billion alone last year on the table, money that could have come from the federal government to help prop up that system, while here in the state of Florida we have a nursing shortage. … I think largely because we have failed to step up to that task.”

He added, “I think for Florida to move in that direction, we would have to do it as a confederation of states. We could not do it by ourselves solely here in the state of Florida. Because it would collapse the system. We would only attract the sickest of patients and it wouldn’t work. But could you imagine if we could team up with the states of New York, California, Florida, maybe even Texas even, Illinois, and other progressive-thinking states and bargain on behalf of the citizens?”  MORE HERE

28 Comments on Gillum: Medicare for All Won’t Work in Florida Alone, We’d Need ‘Confederation of States’

  1. “Because it would collapse the system. We would only attract the sickest of patients and it wouldn’t work.”

    So why would it work in a “confederation?” Aren’t the underlying principles the same? Either I’m not clear on this, or he’s not.

    If eating poison would kill a midget, might it not kill a giant? Or is he insinuating that a smaller dose won’t kill the giant (which is probably true, as far as it goes)? But what prevents the giant from eating more and more poison until he dies? This doesn’t sound like reasonable government. He admits that it’s bad policy by suggesting that it be spread thinner, but pleads that it’s good policy because it’s spread thinner. Huh?
    Sorry, dude, this is the same as nationalizing failed (stolen) union pensions – by nationalizing them you allowed more union “leaders” to steal the pension funds until the whole thing is unsustainable.

    But, stupid as the idea is, there are millions of fucking morons who will support it.

    Here’s an idea, fellah – make it voluntary! See who joins your imbecile ponzi scheme, then!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The State of Florida must have a balanced budget.
    We also have a lrepublican majority state senate and house. So, even though he thinks he can do all these things, none of them would ever see the light of day in the legislature.
    Andy comes from being mayor in a city with an entirely democrat city commission.
    Gwen (daddy’s girl Gwen Hurm – married name), squint eyed Jew former mayor of Miami Beach Philip Levine, other Jew anti Trump Jeff Greene, or the other wannabes running would have been able to get their crap through the republican legislature.

  3. He campaigned on ‘medicare for all.’ But that wasn’t what he meant. Though he said it. He supported what he said when questioned about it. Now, it is different.
    yep, he’s a politician and I do see similarities to obama
    already, he’s in the first round of 3 card monte

  4. Why, in the eyes of politicians, are budget deficits always the result of tax cuts? Sure, everyone loves to spend money, but only an idiot spends more than he has. Unless, of course, he’s spending other people’s money.

  5. @Tim August 30, 2018 at 1:08 pm

    > So why would it work in a “confederation?” Aren’t the underlying principles the same?

    It always “works” when you’re spending other people’s money. Or, at least, it might work. And, as long as you’re spending other people’s money, it’s always “worth” trying. For The Children™. The Trannies™? The Women™? Who’s on first, today?

  6. We could not do it by ourselves solely here in the state of Florida. Because it would collapse the system.

    That’s true. By logical extension, it would collapse any system of confederated states up to and including the entire 50-state nation.

  7. They love other peoples money. I think it’s because they like to run their hands through it, oops look what got stuck in my hands.
    PS, people here at iotw make to much sense.

  8. By all means, put everybody on Medicare and wait for all the dead to pile up and the population to go down! Medicare is a worthless, no good facsimile of a so-called health insurance program. Actually, it is only a fee collecting program that returns little to nothing in return!


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